Chapter eight

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He took a bite and then he stopped.
He looked at me with those sea blue eyes and then lowered his head and continued on. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Satisfied with myself I continued with my work in the kitchen. Ten minutes later he entred the kitchen with his plate in hand.

"Should I serve more sir ?"

"No,that is not needed"

He placed the plate in the sink and grabbed a bottle of orange juice and seated himself at the kitchen counter.

"Sir can I get you anything else?"

He clenched his jaw and I became curious as to what angered him now.

"No Mrs.Peters you can go sleep now. "

I frowned at the anger he seethed when he addressed me.

Even though I know I proberly won't fall asleep I went to my room anyway.

Closing the door behind me I changed,readied my bed and went to the light switch by the door.

Off,on ,sweep the room for any thing lurking.



Wait what?

Opening my door I found Mr .Clark leaning against the wall opposite it.

"Care to explain Mrs.Peters the reason why you playing with my light switch. "

I gulped ,I completely forgot that my bedroom door was visible from the kitchen and you could see the light rays from the space at the bottom.

"Um,sir I um have a um habit of um.."

"Speak up will you I don't have the entire day"
He was angry now ,impatient for an answer.

"I was checking for um coakroachs"

"Cockroaches? "
He raises an eyebrow in question.

"Yes um cockroaches you um they react when sudden light or movement occurs so I was just checking."
I lowered my head so he wouldn't see the lie in my eyes when I spoke. I rose it again.

"Coakroach you say?"
He pondered over this for a while obviously not believing me.

"Well in that case Mrs.Peters I assure you there are no coakroaches in my house. "

As he said this his eyes skimmed over my body clad with only an over sized shirt that stopped midthigh. My body felt instantly heated and I flushed.

"Um goodnight sir"
He met my eyes hummed at my greeting and left.

After hours of scrolling through social media sites I managed to snag an hour before the nightmares came out to play.

Half hour later fresh and clean I found myself in the kitchen with a cup of black coffee in my hand tying to decide whether I should make breakfeast or just serve him coffee alone. I decided on the former and set out to work.

At exactly nine my boss was out the door with a  full stomach and caffine infused  blood. I mentally fistbumped the air and continued on. The helpers came in today. Helen,Sahra,and Layden.

They all was of a few years older than me except for Helen who was my junior by 3 years. And they were glad to have me. I personally was glad that they weren't mean or annoyed by my presence.

When evening came the proceeding was the same as yesterday's well with the exception of Boss refusing to eat what I plated.

The entire week went like this. I found myself becoming more comfortable here and I got along really well with Helen,Sahra and Layden. I even helped them with their work whenever I could. My thoughts were finally seeming to spend less time on the past and more time in the present. Though that does not mean I haven't forgotten the challenge Mr.Clark presented me with.

He wasn't acting on his words yet and this frightened me he seemed like a man of his word. I need to prepare for anything cause I'm pretty sure this is the quiet before the storm.

It was Sunday evening and the weather was terrible. It was  raining cats and dogs and by each passing moment the thunder would get louder. I am terrified to say the least. Sir is in his study and at ten in the night I decided to go back in the shower.

Strangely enough for the past 3 months the shower had become my sanctuary. The water always seemed to calm me and wash away all past memories. I stood under the running water until it became cold. I then changed back into my  sleeping shorts and tank top and made way into the bedroom.

Running my wet hair between my towel as I wallked out I flung my hair back,my eyes widening,heart began to accelerate and my mouth let out a high pitched ,ear piercing scream.


I just want to take this platform to express my gratitude and respect for all our docters, nurses,soldiers, officers and anyone else who is selflessly putting their lives on the frontline to help save us. We appreciate them and they are always in our prayers and thoughts.
Together we all will fight this and soon it will be just another lesson taught in the history class. #stayhome

To my readers out there thank you for the support don't forget to vote and comment😙

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