chapter twenty five

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Her pov

"Follow me. "

I walk a few feet behind him as he goes to his room. Why in the world was he suddenly acting so nice? Well besides his outburst earlier he was acting pretty decent. Leave aside all the intruding question, it was as if he was trying to make conversation, which must be hard for him due to the betrayal I put him through in the past.

I follow him into his bathroom and if I thought my bathroom was big his is enormous. He points at the last drawer under the sink cabinet and I open it pulling out a first aid kit.

I clense the wound and then began to wrap it neatly with a bandage over his knuckles. I smile at the good work I've done and look up at him.

That's when I realize how exactly blue his eyes were and they were staring right at me. I gulped and leaned back abit and he cleared his throat and looked the other way, something passed in his eyes, besides his usual coldness, but  it came and went at lightening speed.

"You're coming with me to Hawaii tomorrow. "


Where the hell did this come from. Hawaii? Is he crazy? He can't just drag me to Hawaii ,for what?

He looked at me deadpanning.

"I said you are comming to..."

"I heard what you said Sir. "

I interuptted him getting annoyed by his lack of response and reason in this conversation.

"I want to know why?"

He looked at me annoyed and then got up and walked out to his bedroom. I packed everything up again and when I followd him out ,he was laying on his sofa scrolling through his phone.

"Sir can. .."


Urgh! His getting on my nerves. Deep breaths Alexseya,  deep breaths.

"Will can you please tell..."

"I have a beach house there and my current housekeeper has fallen ill so I need someone there while I'm there to cook for me. If you're done asking questions, you have packing for a week to do."

The house keeper is ill. Great, now I have to travel across who knows how many countries and seas just to cook for a week for him.

His your boss if I must remind you. Besides at least you'll get to see Hawaii.

Hmm you're right I will. I scowled at him while he wasn't looking and left the room going to my own to pack.

The banging at my door woke me. I ended up packing late last night so I didn't take a pill.  I look over to my clock and see that it reads four thirty ,just great ,I only nabbed an hour's sleep.

Still groogy from being woken up and frustrated I stumble over to the bedroom door and yank it open scowling.

The sight of William greets me and I take in his fitted grey suit. He does the same to me but that's when I realize that I'm wearing only a silk nightgown that barely covers my thighs.  His eyes darken as it travels up my body but instead of feeling disgust at his action a tingling and warm feeling flowes through me.

He averts his eyes and stands there uncomfortably so I quickly grab my gown to cover up. Pulling the gown tighter in the front I appear in front of him again and he visibly relax.

"I'm leaving in five minutes so hurry up."

I nodded my head at him and he turned and disappeared down the hall.
Fantastic five minutes. Please note the sarcasm.

After showering ,changing and nearly falling twice I'm sitting in the car with an annoyed William. Let's just say I took an extra ten minute or so.

He stayed silent the entire road tapping away at his phone screen and I had my head turned towards the window soaking in the morning sun rays and the scenes that pass by my window.

When we finally arrive,Clayton (for those who forgot he's the driver she met on her first day and was caught with in the kitchen) stops the car a few miles away from a gigantic plane. Of course he has a private plane or is it jet ...not really sure but that's besides the point.

He's already half way there before Clayton closes my hanging jaw with his fingers and I look at him wide eyed while he has a smirk on his face.

"I'm gonna miss you Alex"

I smiled at Clayton who as I predicted quickly became a close freind and pulled him in for a quick hug.

"I'll miss you too Clay but its only a week. "
I smiled at him while he scoffed.

"A week alone without you diffusing the fights between Helen and I. "
I chuckled at his sour expression. Helen and Clayton defiantly have something going on but the two of them seem to hide their feeling by fighting with each other. So while I totally ship them they both hate the idea.

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by a short rather plump man in a white uniform.

"Mam Mr.Clark said that if you done wasting more of his time he will like to leave."

Man!I sent Clayton an apologetic smile and he returned it with an assuring grin.
With one more goodbye I was inside the plane..or jet. I took in the large space and found William already seated and buckeled in. I've been on a plane before when I was escaping from ... so I knew the drill.

Not wanting to sit next to Will and near the scowl he was now directing at me ,I took the seat in front of him.

The flight attendant announced that we were about to take off and that was when it began. I looked out the window and my fingers began to shake in its place on my lap. I remember how that time when I was escaping how the little girl next to me told me stories to distract me and how grateful I was to her. Though this time there was no little girl ,it was just me alone and I was shaking and the plane hasn't even took off yet.

I looked down at my hands that looked as if it were to fall of from the way it was shaking and my breathing fastened, making it hard for me to catch up. I was able to hear my jagged breaths ,the only thing assuring me that I was still breathing and then the plane jerked forward and I turned to see the runway speeding pass us.

Clutching onto my chest I fought for breath, my body hot and  beads of sweat rolling down the side of my face.

My vision began to blur but a sudden coldness against my cheek cleared it instantly.
Still gasping for breath I found myself staring into deep blue eyes. He began to take of my seatbelt and I protested with my free hand so he firmly but gently held it, offering me assurance with his eyes, which I gladly excepted.

He sat next to me and pulled me over to his seat and I clung onto him like my life depended on it... cause it did. The plane hasn't taking off yet and with my legs around his waist, his hands around mine, my hands wrapped tightly around his neck and my chest pressed flush against his own I felt my heart begin to slow down ,my breathing returning to normal slowly and when the the plane tilted taking off, I stayed there.

When his hand began to rub up and down my back I felt my muscles loosen ,my eyelids fell heavy and right there in Williams strong and safe embracd I succumbed to the foreign feeling which was sleep.

Hi guys

I'm back with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I wanted to thank you guys cause I almost reached 500 reads and that's amazing so thanks guys.

On the badnote though ,I haven't been getting any votes and guys that's really disheartening so if we could please help your girl out here and tap on that little star on the bottom of the screen I'll really appreciate it.

Thanks guys ❤

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