chapter twenty seven

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This chapter is dedicated to Clementinemiti for being the bestest friend a girl could ask for. Thanks for all your support and love and encouragement. Love you lots❤


Her pov

"Y..yes Sir you personally hired me a week ago to replace my mum who had fallen ill. "

The girl looked scared and honestly with the look on Willaims face I was too.

Then his eyes widened slowly and he muttered something under his breath that sounded alot like asshole.

I turn back to the girl to see her almost on the verge of tears. Placing my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, she turned her glassy eyes to me.

"I'm so so s..sorr..sorry mam I..I thou...thought..-"

Wiping away a tear that has escaped, I smiled warmly at her.

"Its not a problem I would have done the same if I was in your postion. You must have gotten such a scare. "

She nodded weakly. We both turned out attention to William after he awkardly cleared his throat.

I watched him with curious eyes wondering how the business man who failed to forget anything as far as I know him ,forgot that he had already hired someone before dragging me here.

William scratched the back of his neck and I pulled my eyebrows together.

"Umm Sarah right? I had forgotten about that. How about you go home and spend the week with your mother and come in on Friday to help Alexseya to prepare for a dinner. "

William had his right hand in the air in a questioning gesture.

I turned back to the girl who William called Sarah to see her spotting a wide grin.

"Sir its Sophie actually but thanks anyways it means alot I'll defiantly come in on Friday to help. Thanks."

She turned to me with a much softer smile now.

"Again mam I'm so sorry. If it helps I made some cookies for myself but since I'll be at home please enjoy them. I'll be on my way now I was going to visit my mom anyway."

She turned around before I could reply and grabbed her blush pink bag of a nearby table before she shot me one more smile and left through the door we just entered through.

I stared after her and then turned to Will he instead looked deep in thought before he turned around mumbling again under his breath but this time I caught what he said.

"Sarah ,Sophia same thing.  "

That's what he's thinking about.


I said loud enough to catch his attention.

He spins around with his eyebrows drawn together and dare I say he looked incredibly cute like that. I couldn't resist the smile that broke out on my face and for a moment William looked abit taken aback by it.

"Her names Sophie not Sophia."

He looked at me a few seconds longer and when my smile dropped and eyebrow raised the spell seemed to have broken because he looked behind me abit flustered.

"As I said same thing. "

And with that said his normal coldness and egotistic behaviour was back and even a hint of a smile was wiped from my face.

"There's six guestrooms here you can choose anyone and show yourself around. I'll be in the study. "

With that said he mounted the wooden steps leading to who knows where.
So much for hospitality.
I walked further into the house and found myself standing in the centre of a lounge straight, ahead of me was a large glass door that showcases the sparkling and vibrant ocean waves as it rolled in and was swallowed back up.

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