chapter sixteen

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The dress was gorgeous to say the least.  I stood in front of the full mirror and turned from side to side. It was a simple white gown that hugged my waist and flowed down in layers it had a deep neckline but it was conserved at the same time.  The dress had a slit running up to my midthigh and didn't show much when I walked. It was perfect as if the person who picked  the dress knew exactly what kind of dress I needed to cover my scars.

With my heels on and my hair in an untidy upstyle I examined my face in the mirror. Corri the beautician had did my makeup perfect  she didn't add too much or too less. I rubbed my now red lips together and grabbed the sliver purse and walked out to where Will's car was parked.

I opened the passenger seat and got in adjusting my seatbelt I looked over at him. He paid me no attention and simply started the car and drove off.

We sat in awkward silence and thankfully we arrived soon. My door was opened for me by a guy dressed up in a suit and I thanked him.

Will came around the car and offered me his arm. I slid my hand in the centre of his arm and we both walked into the hotel. Will still hasn't said a thing and it was beginning to irk me. We made out way to the ball when he finally spoke still not giving me a glance.

"You're Alexseya Grey a professional cook. We met at a event I asked you to cater in and we are just testing the waters with our relationship. "

He turned to face me.

"Got it?"

I pulled my face back and nodded. "Got it "

We walked into the ball and was instanly greeted by the face of an old balding man who grinned at the sight of us.

He walked up to us and he took Wills had in a firm handshake before he took my own and kisses the top of it.

"My,my Will if I ever thought I'll see the day that you walk around with a woman on your arm."

He smiled genuinely at me and I found myself blushing.

"Mr.Bonden you know very well that women is of my last interest. But besides that how is your health?"

Will spoke in a polite tone and I snuck a glance at him.  I haven't ever heard him speak so politly and it shocked me.

"Oh you nasty boy ,trying to change the topic. I'm absolutely perfect. You know we never got a chance to see the first one but I must say the second ones a beauty. "

I felt Will stiffen besides me and I glanced at him from the side of my eye to see his expression hardened again.

Mr.Bonden turned to me still smiling and oblivious to the change in atmosphere. I forced a smile as I looked at him.

"What's your name dear?"

"It's Alexseya,Alexseya Grey Mr.Bonden"

"Oh dear no call me Allan. Will here never listens to me. Come on in we about to begin. "

I smiled at him once again and we made our way in. We sat at a rounded table and after a few opening speeches and thanks they opened the dance floor, at that very moment Will left the table to go talk to what I assume is, his business patners.

I looked around the place observing everyone's behaviour and chuckled as I watched some old men try to get the attention of equally old women.

I was sipping on my wine when the chair beside me was pulled back and then occupied. When I turned I expected to see blue eyes but instead I was met with light brown ones.

"That wine must be really good. "

I took in his features. Round brown eyes,a straight scultured nose,full pink lips and a triangular jaw line. This guy was good looking not as good as Will but a close second. 


He chuckeled at my ridiculousness and I mentally face palmed.

"What I meant was you are on your third glass of wine so it must be good. "

I looked at my glass and I realized that he was right I was sitting here bored out of my mind while Will totally ignored me. Why the hell did he bring me if he wasn't even gonna need me.

"Yeah I guess I do."
I smiled at the man next to me and he did too.
He shoved his right hand forward and smirked.

"Asher Bonden. Can I have this dance?"

I looked around the room to were Will currently had his hand wrapped around a women's waist as they moved to the music and I shrugged facing Asher again.

"Alexseya Grey and yes you may. "

His smirk widened as he led me to the dance floor and placed his hand on my waist. I rested my hands on his shoulders and we began to sway to the song currently playing.

"I'm guessing you Mr.Allen Bondens son,right?"

He shrugged as he turned me around so my back was flush against his front.

"Yes I am. And you I must say are the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on. "

I blushed and was grateful that he couldn't see my face. Instead I looked up and was met with the stormy blue eyes of Will who now was sitting back at our table. Asher twirled me back around as soon as the song ended and I looked up at him.

"Thanks for keeping me company. "

He smiled down at me and then looked over to were Will sat staring at us.

"It was only a pleasure to spend time in the company of a beautiful woman as youself Alexseya. I hope we meet again soon. And Tell Mr.Clark that I said he should open his eyes before he loses what he has right in front of him. "

With that said he walked away and I found myself walking back to our table.

"We leaving now. "

His voice was chilled and I knew there was no place for question so I just nodded my head at him and followed him out.

The car ride was silent but I found myself appreciating the slience. I thought back to what Allen had said to Will about having a first one and then referring to me as a second one and I frowned. Did this mean that Will had a girl that he was invoved with. I find it very weird that Will be caught in any romantic related stuff I mean I've been here for a while now and he hasn't ever brought a woman home and when I recently stalked him on the net there was no scandals about him. What I mean to say is I really don't think Will is a gay. But I can't help but think back to how he never showed interest in women. Hey maybe he is that will actually explain everything. Sure it will be such a shame to the female population but...
Alexseya are you really thinking about your bosses love life?
You mean lack of one. I rolled my eyes at my logic voice.
I still personally think that you should keep your nose out of your bosses business and remember that your only the cook.
Well personally I don't care what you think. And let me remind you that it was him who asked me to acommpany him to the charity ball.
True but that does not mean


That you can think so disrespectfully about

"Aleseya damnit are you listening to me?"

I turned to the source of the intruding voice with a scowl on my face.
"Will can you give me a minute please I'm talking to logic. "

I didn't ask no I demanded, this guy was getting on my nerves so when I saw the shocked slash confused look on his face I turned back to the window.

Right as you were saying about boss...

Oh shit
I turned slowly around to see Will looking at me with large eyes the car has come to a stop and I briefly looked around to see we were back home. I looked back at him to see him still looking confused at me and I gulped. Crap this is all your fault logic I'm never talking to you again.

Hope yourll enjoyed the chapter.

Teaser:the next chapter gonna make you want to kill Will cause I kinda want to.

Anyway don't forget to

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All Over AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora