Chapter five

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The voice yet so soft and gentle was really unexpected and I jolted at my place by the sink droppng the glass in my hand. As it fell it broke into many different pieces.

Spinning on my heel with my hand on my chest I was met with a pair of dark blue orbs staring back at me. His eyes held astonishment and then it began to rake my entire body. This must be Mr.Clark. His black crisp suit and perfect posture screamed boss and billionaire.

Under such a gaze I began to feel uncomfortable. Clearing my throat I spoke.

"Sir I'm deeply sorry I was not expecting anyone for at least an hour more ,you happened to startle me. I promise I will replace the glass. "

His eyes that were once lost hardened at my words. He seemed to have remembered something and then he spoke.

"What the hell are you doing in my house. "
His voice wasn't loud instead it was low and threatening. He sent chills down my spine and I struggled to reply.

" Sir I ... um. "
His eyes darkened at my response or rather lack of one. Hell!Mrs.Burel was right when she said he's one hell of a boss.
But damn I'll be lying if I didn't say that this man in front of me seems to have  been sculpted by the devil himself. Black as night hair paired with deep blue mesmerizing eyes,perfect pink lips and a jaw line sharp enough to cut through paper and damn ,I didn't want to imagine what was under those clothes. This man could make a woman swoon by just walking past and make men jealous by just simply doing nothing. Will it be weird if I said my boss was perfect from every angle? and I haven't even seen him from every angle that's how confident of his godliness I am.
Alex! Stop ogling your boss and try to concentrate on the matter on hand.

Oh right. Snapping back to reality I found Mr.Carter staring at me with an extremly dangerous look on his face.
I gulped.

"Um sir I was hired by Mrs.Burel to replace Elaina's position since she is..."

I was cut off as he turned his back to me with his phone to his ear. Rude bastard.
That's your boss you taking about. And just a moment ago let me remind you ,you were drooling over him.
I rolled my eyes at the voice inside my head which was my logical thinking.

"Mrs.Burel care to explain what the heck this women is doing in my house. "
His voice now loud, boomed through out the house. Well I was tying to tell you exactly that before you cut me off.

"I'm glad you understand. Bye."

Great lost in my own world I didn't hear what he was telling her.
Mr.Clark stood lazily against the kitchen counter with a smirk on his face and his eyes on me.

Standing by the sink I began to feel uncomfortable under his gaze and squirmed as a result.

"You know I find it highly wierd that the wife of Brad Peters will be working as a cook under me of all people. Tell me does your husband know or are you playing him as well. "

Brad Peters. Hearing his name sent shivers down my spine and threatened to bring back memories that only came out at night. Using all my willpower I pushed those thoughts back and with much difficulty, thankfully suceeded. Then I furrowed my eyebrows at his words.

"Sir how do you ... how do you know that Brad and I are married. "

He looked at me with mocking eyes as he let out a humourless laugh. Walking forward towards me I backed up against the sink. He was now two steps away from me.

"Come on Alexseya how could I not you know ,I thought I was wrong at first but then I realized after seeing you, less than a year later with him that I was right all along. "
He let out another string of humourless laughter. I was thorougly confused at this point but he still continued on.

"I guess I really was the fool all along wasn't I ?"

Okay this is enough giberish for one day.

"Sir with all."

"Stop calling me sir damnit. "
He turned away from me as he said this resting his head on the counter.

"Um sir. "
Maybe he was on some drug. Should I call the police? Will that get me fired?

Of course it would you idiot. Well not fired but defiantly out of a job,who will you cook for if the person you supposed to cook for was in jail or rehab?
Huh I guess you right

He spun around suddenly eyes landing on me. His eyes,they looked pained like he's seen the worst in life. But why was he looking at me like I was course for this. I have come to the conclusion that this man is most definalty on drugs or something.

Then his pained eyes turned icy once again and my blood ran cold. He stalked towards me until he once again was two feet in front of me. He won't ...will he?

"Why have you come back Seya. What game are you playing at now ?"

I was about to tell this man off before I realized somthing. This man addressed me with familiarity, he knew me ,he wasn't on any drug no he was talking to me.

"Stop calling me that!"
He was livid his eyes were burning flames and he looked as if he could kill.

I took another step back my back pressed against the sink. I winced as the sharp edge slightly pierced a healing wound. Though ,my attempt at creating a distance between my currently phsyco boss and I was to no avail.

He grabbed me by both arms probably abit too tight but I didn't whimper or squirm cause I was used to worse.
Flaming eyes locked onto mine,a fierce look marring his features ,he growled out.

"I want you out of my face by tommorow. Do you understand?"


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