chapter thirty seven

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I sit in the booth surprised at William's choice of food to eat. Dont get me wrong I dont mind I just dont see him enjoying this kind of food.

I look over to him to see him nervously scratching the nape of his neck and I tilt my head at him curiously.

Seeing my expression his pink lips pull into a small smile.

"Uhmm before uhmm you loved comming to Macdonald's. You would beg me every Sunday to take you."

He let's out a small chuckle at the end and his eyes glimmer at me. I return his smile and cant help but be grateful of how he has remembered the little things even if I don't.

"What did I use to order?"

I ask but just as I do a waiter appears at our table. Will holds up his finger at me and smiles.

"Give me everything on the menu."

I gape at Will and so does the waiter.

"I used to order everything?"

Will snickers at me and my shocked expression.

"Pretty much."

He let's out a laugh and I lean back in my seat. Geez

I finish my meal of pretty much picking and choosing from everything on the table. Unfortunately I can't eat as much and I think Will notices that too as he looks at me with pain in his eyes,he thinks I didnt see but I did.

Reaching across the table I bravely place my hand on his but as soon as I do my head begins to feel like its going to explode. I shut my eyes tightly.

Blue eyes,

black hair,

pink lips,

a star shaped birthmark.

Fingers against skin.

Brown hair,my hair.

A wedding dress.

A man, a lady, a car and then him,Brad.

Everything comes in a blur and everything comes in only a few seconds it hurts so much and I cant seem to place any of it at all. My head aches so much and I struggle to hear what Will is saying. Keeping my eyes closed I begin to feel the pain reduce slightly and I open my eyes and stare into Wills concerned blue ones. They look so familiar just like...just like the one my flashes.

"It was you."

Will draws his eyebrows together.

"Seya what's wrong are you okay. We need to go home,you need your tablets right?Waiter bill!"

I nod my head at Willaim keeping my eyes closed. As much as it hurts I want to know more I know my memory is comming back I can feel it . But I also hate how I have destroyed our date,I wish this didnt happen now that it happened later but right now I just want to go home.

I feel Wills strong arms around me as he carries me to the car. As he places me in the passenger seat I feel the pain reduce alot and I open my eyes slightly.

"Seya look at me. How are you doing now? Is it better?Do we need to go to the hospital? "

I look over to Will's concerned face and mange to give him a slight smile. Shaking my head I feel the car start as he takes off to go home.

It's been 5 minutes and Willam wont stop looking at me.
Just as I clear my throat to tell him to concentrate on the road a bright light for my right blinds my vision and I squint my eyes only to feel the impact of the other car against us as we are sent flying across the road.

The sound of rubber against tar. Flesh against metal and screams. My own screams, William's scream for me and then silence. I feel wetness across the side of my face and my head aches too much but then I see that white stick a few feet away and then I see it crushed and finally I succumb to the darkness.

Dun dun dun

Okay guys short chapter I know I'm sorry but next chapter is drama drama drama stay tuned
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