chapter ten

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Seriously he decides to drop that bomb with my boss here, just great.

"About more or less of an hour or two. "
I wince as I say the last part knowing it's a lie.

I look over to Mr.Clark only to see his jaw hanging. I chuckel gaining his attention and he soon retains his normal stonny face. God! It's like this man made a vow to never express his feelings in anyway.

"Hmm and is there any reason you find it so difficult to sleep at night maybe recuring nightmares ,past trauma, anxiety or even stress maybe?"

Man! This docter was good,he nailed the hammer on the head of all the nails. But there was no way I was going to admit any of that to total strangers. So even though both the docter and Mr.Clark was awaiting my answer with keen eyes I kept my mouth sealed, pursing my lips into a straight line.

After about two minutes of a stare down between the docter, my boss and I,the docter finally sighed indicating his defeat.

"Mr.Clark I'm sorry to say but you know your wife better than any,so if you know that she may have any of the problems I mentioned I really advise you to get her a therapist. She needs to share her problems even if it's with you or else I'm sorry to say but you killing your self slowly Mrs.Clark. "

I sucked in a air of breath as the docter left.
You killing yourself slowly
Am I really. But it's not like I can help it right?I can't force myself to sleep through those nightmares or I'll be killing myself every night and I won't be able to do that.

I looked up from the white bedsheet that I was picking at and met with the cold blue eyes of him. A shiver ran through my body at the thought that he had heard all that happened in this room, is he gonna fire me now?I mean if I was in his place I proberly would.

"Come ,we going home"

His velvety voice brought me out of my thoughts and I nooded meekly at him glad that I wasn't getting fired.

Sitting in the car with him was horrific there was silence the entire time and from time to time his knuckles would turn white from gripping the steering wheel too tight and he would increase the speed of the car until I was clinging onto my seatbelt for dear life.

So that is why when we finally arrived I got out of the car before he even turned it off. I ran to the front door unlocking it with the key he gave me , only to walk into the house and skid landing right on my butt letting out another screech. Just great.

"Mrs.Clark we just arrived from the hospital, going back so soon?"

I gritted my teeth at the sarcastic remark that came from behind me. My sensible mind reminding me not to say anything that could get me fired. He walked around me as if I was a pile of rubbish laying on his precious floor. But he had only gotten a few feet away from me before he too slipped and ended up in the same postion as me. I involuntarily let out a laugh at our current situation only to have my fun cut short with a glare from bossman. That when I realized that my legs and butt was wet also making me figure out that the reason we both fell was because the floor was wet. But how?

"Crap, darn it ,this is all your fault?"

"Me? What did I do?"
I was shocked at his accusation, seriously how did I wet all the floors when I was laying in a hospital bed out cold?

"Well if you hadn't decided to fall and pass out I would not have left the damn noodles on the stove to come and see what the hell you were screaming for. Thanks to you the noddles burnt setting the fire alarm off ,hence the entire house being wet."

His eyes narrowed into slits as he explained this to me but with the way he was sitting on the floor lookin like a angry baby. A very very very handsome baby...shut up. Well lets just say I couldn't take him very seriously.

"You sleeping in my room tonight."
His voice came out of nowhere and I fumbled about.

"Your room?Why? "

He looked at me as if I was the dumbest person his ever met.

"Well Mrs.Clark ,it's because I didn't have the fire alarm installed in my room, so it won't be drenched but if a wet bed helps you sleep at all ,then you welcome to use your room."

I cringed as he refered to my sleeping issuses. He noticed as he clenched his jaw and faced forward.

"Its fine ,I will just start cleaning or something. Since you already know I proberly won't get sleep tonight anyways."

He clenched and unclenched his jaw repeatedly. Until he turned his head to face me once again, deep blue eyes meeting with dim grey ones.

"Mrs.Clark remove your shoes and carefully follow me to my room. That's an order and don't worry about clothes I'll give you somthing to wear. "

I looked at the man in front of me. He was ordering me to sleep in his room even though his face expressed his absolute distaste for me. Knowing I can't get out of this one I nodded my head and along with him began to remove my shoes.
Once on my feet I mumbled only loud enough for me to hear

"You can stop calling me Mrs.Clark now."

But by the sudden clench in his jaw I knew he heard.

Hey to my readers
So if you have been reading so far you would have noticed that I don't use extreme curse words in my story. I don't have anything against swearing or people that do swear but I just feel a bit uncomfortable using swear words in my books knowing that it's there to stay. So instead I just use words such as DAMN,SHIT, CRAP,DARN and ect. Though you can feel free to replace them in your mind.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter in the next chapter a whole lot of shits gonna hit the fan so stay tuned.

Okay guys I'm sorry for the delayed update my WiFi kinda got finished and I had no data. But I got my WiFi back today and I was really disappointed and sad to see that even though you guys have been reading I haven't been getting voted or comments. I'm really grateful to you guys for reading my book but Im really hoping for some votes or comments coz I feel like I'm talking to myself 😢😢😢😢 anyways I'm over with my little rampage there.

So my good people please...
Vote, comment and follow😘

Question :what is your favourite watpadd story of all time?

Honestly I can't choose one. You?

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