chapter eighteen

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Deep blue eyes staring at me. A sea of emotions. Amusement shone in them. A star shaped birthmark on a shoulder,a slim finger tracing the outline. A hand runing through hair,a colour unable to make out. A smile on full pink lips. Those eyes,it closes and when it opens,vicious forest green ones stare back at me. A evil grin pulled by dry, chapped familer lips.

I shoot up in bed gasping for air when I feel hands gripping onto my shoulders. I yanked them off with all my might and scurried back on the bed, trying to get out. My both hand to my ears. His hands grab me again and I twist my body from side to side but it doesn't work.
I release my ears and go forward to yank his hands off me when I hear a voice.

"Alexseya ,Alexseya you need to calm down it was just a dream,okay? Just a dream. "

I stop fighting and let my hands stay on the ones on my shoulders. Tears now leaking out one by one. He pulls me into a hug and I let my head rest on Camron's shoulder.

He strokes my hair slowly and lays down with me carefully on the bed so my head was still resting on his chest. Its nice to be held like this. Nice to be comforted and told that's everythings gonna be alright and I can't help but wonder that if I had someone to hold me like this before if I would be experiencing these nightmares today.

I look up to thank Camron when a certain voice interrupts me.

"Alexseya what the hell are you screaming for now? Did you hit your head...."

His words flater the moment William appears at my bedroom door and his eyes lay upon the scene before him. Me with my head on Camron's chest,with my arm hanging across his waist and Camrons hand that runs under me and is currently gripping my waist. When both Cam and I lay eyes on Will we scramble to move apart but instead end up on the floor with a thud. So I'm currently laying ontop of my bosse's best friend in my bedroom and my boss is standing at the door of the room witnessing this.
I look down at Camron and I find him smiling at me clearly amused at our current situation. I'm about to smile back when I am roughly pulled up by the arm and swung around to met the deadly eyes of my boss. Just great. I tilt my head backwards to read my bedside clock and it reads 3:45 am. I inwardly groan and then turn back to face my death.

Just as I'm about to say something. I get a sharp pain that strikes through my head and my eyes widen as a image passes through my mind. My head snaps up and I lock on to Williams eyes. I momentarily register that his lips are moving indicating that he is saying something and his face shows his anger,he is practically red at this point but I don't care,I zone on to his eyes and focus. Deep blue eyes stare back,the ones from the dreams,the ones that turned into his green ones and I shrudder in Wills tight grip overwhelmed by the pain piercing my head.

I look at William to see his face pulled into confusion and then I'm suddenly turned and Camron's concerned face comes into view,he's saying something to me,they both are, but I can't hear them over the drumming and pain in my head. I just want it to stop...

With one hand clutching my head I push Will out of the way and run to the other side of my bed were a cabinet stood. Pulling out the first drawer, I shove things around till I find what I'm looking for. My pills.  Their are pills the docter had given me to help me. He had said that if I ever stated to regain my memory my head will feel like this and I could even end up unconscious and land in a coma again. I will get a new pack every four months incase I ran out but Brad would always throw them out saying I didn't need them since I would never meet anyone special enough to bring back my memory. Thankfully on the day I was leaving the tablets were delivered and I stashed it in my bag hoping I might need them. And I guess I was right.

I popped two tablets as prescribed in my mouth and swolled with the bottle of water on the cabinet.

With the throbbing headache I looked down to find Will kneeling on the floor by my feet and clasping my hands asking me something. I still couldn't register anything because everytime I looked into his eyes my head will become much more unbearable. After about a minute of watching Will try to talk to me I saw him pick up my medicine container and read the label. Finally the billionaire grew some brains. He looked up at me just as my eyelids began to fall due to the effects of the tablets.

"I'm fine. "

I whisper with all my strength before I lay back with his hand still in mine and him still on the floor.

I groggily opened my eyes and the first thing that I noticed was that my shoulders felt extremely strained and uncomfortable and so did my back. I rose slowly to notice that half my body was on the bed while my feet was touching the ground. My shoulders relaxed but I soon discovered why it ached in the first place. Because there on my bedroom floor sat William with his head on my lap, his hands clasped tightly in mine and his eyes shut indicating that he was in deep sleep. His black silky hair fell over his eyes and my hands itched to tuck it away. Giving in to my temptation I,as softly as I could,brushed it away. I looked around the room and nearly shrieked to see Camron's long body spread out on the bed next to me. I smiled as he scratched the side of his forhead where a strand of hair had fallen and tickeled him.

I looked down at William and sighed as he for once didn't have a cold expression on his face. He looked innocent and angelic sleeping on my lap and I weirdly really wanted stay like that but looking at my clock that reading 8:15 ,I nearly shoved him off me. He was gonna be late for work and I learnt that he hates being late and anyways if he stayed like this for any longer he's gonna get a stiff neck and back pain.

Realizing that shoving him won't be the best way to wake him I opted to lightly tap his shoulder. After doing so for almost a minute and still no results I let out a loud sigh a ran my hand though his hair comforted by the softness that envolped my fingers. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of his hair. He slowly began to stir and my hand instantly stilled, Will raised his head a bit wincing as his back muscles cracked and he looked up at me. The moment his eyes found mine his hands made its way to my checks cupping softly.

"Are you fine? What happened to you? The docter said you were fine but if you want me to call him back I could. "

I knew what happened and I knew I didn't need a docter. I dreamt of Will's eyes,  there's no doubt about it. This could only mean that slowly I was regaining my memory and it was all thanks to Will. If he proberly didn't tell me about how we were related than I wouldn't have had that dream. Remembering the past hurt like hell I won't forget that. The docter said that the pain associated with regaining my memory could even lead me back into a coma and that was the last thing I wanted but I also really wanted to know about my past and I guess I'm gonna need to ask Will about that. But will he be willing to actually hold a proper conversation with me to tell me,I'm not sure.

William and Camron both had gone to office abit late this morning curtesy of me. I learnt that Camron works as  the general manager at the company. He's one of the sweetest,kindest and funniest guys I met and remembered and thinking about his goofiness brought a smile to my face. We only met recently but I could tell we gonna be good friends. At around an hour before Will and Cam got home,I was busy in the kitchen when there was a knock on the kitchen door. I turned away from the counter and found Clayton standing at the door with a small smile on his face. I smiled back and gestured for him to enter. He obeyed and took a seat across the counter on one of the barstools.

"What you making? "

Clayton had a nice voice I had to admit ,it was the kinda voice that you imagine listening to every night before you fell asleep. His voice was soothing but deep at the same time,it was gentle but rough.

"Hmm wouldn't you want to know?"

I scooped up some batter in my finger and walked around the counter grinning foolishly. He opened his mouth and I rubbed my finger on his pink tongue.

I waited a few moments and then he let out a loud groan and I grinned claping my hands at my awsomeness.I saw Clayton go red in embrassement and I only laughed louder.

I want back to my batter and after a few minutes noticed that Clayton was oddly quite.

"Don't. "

I turned on my heel smirking and sure enough he was a few feet away from me. He pouted  and made puppy eyes at me and for a moment I was actually tempted but I swiftly turned around so I wouldn't give in.

Before I could even pick up my spatula again I felt Clayton towering over me from behind and his hand quickly swooped over my shoulder and scooped a bit of batter on his finger. I tried slapping his hand but that didn't stop him from putting it in his mouth and this time he proudly led out a loud moan. I turned around ready to give him a good slap on the arm but a very,very frightening familer voice stopped me.



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