♥8: The weekend

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A little while later the doorbell rang. Jisung jumped up and ran to the entrance, and through Han's exaggerated giggles Felix could hear that Jeong-in just had entered.

The boy with the braces went down the few stairs to the breakfast table, Han in tow, and with a big, adorable smile, he sat down next to Minho. Everyone said "hi" to the youngest of their group and after everyone had calmed down, Changbin asked:

"What about Seungminnie? Didn't he wanna come back anymore? "

"Ah yeah, last night he told me that he has to help his dad paint the upper corridor in their house today... ", Jeong-in answered.

"Oof, poor Minnie... But oh well, the six of us doing something will be funny as well," Minho said and smiled at the others, which all nodded decidedly.

After they finally finished breakfast, the boys arranged that Felix and Jeong-in would do the dishes and the other four would tidy up Han's rooms. That was urgently needed because there were clothes, controllers, 'Chan's air mattress', lots and lots of pillows (from a pillow fight last night) and snacks like chips and flips laying around...

After the two boys finished tidy up the kitchen, they made their way upstairs.

Fortunately, Jisung's parents were both at work today, because when Felix and 'Innie' reached the first floor they heard loud noises and angry roars from above, which sounded like Chan yelling: "Give it back right away, you assholes! "

Jeong-in ran ahead, laughing, Felix followed right behind him. Once at the second floor, Han and Changbin ran towards the newcomers and then jumped down the stairs quickly, past Felix and 'Innie', wheezing hard and with clothes in their arms.

Chan was hot on their heels, shirtless and wearing only his boxer shorts. And he didn't look too happy, it was obvious that HIS clothes had been stolen.

The older one must've failed to see Felix behind Jeong-in, because he jumped down the first two steps in rage and crashed right into the younger one with full speed.

With a "Whoaaa-" Felix toppled backwards, but before he could fall down all those stairs, Chan grabbed Felix shoulders with a lightning-fast reflex and pulled him back with all of his strenght.

In doing so, Felix lost his balance again and now fell over towards the curly-haired guy, who seemed to have lost his balance as well.


The younger fell on top of the elder and both abruptly landed on the upper stairs. All of this happened within the fraction of a few seconds and apparently looked hilarious, because Jeong-in suddenly snorted and dropped down on the floor laughing.

"What just happe- omg "

The others also came upstairs again and couldn't stop wheezing at the sight that was presented to them. Even Minho looked out of Han's room and had to resist cackling.

The only one who didn't laugh was Chan, who looked up at his friends in annoyance. But when Felix sat up, leaned against the wall and suddenly began to giggle as well, Chan's angry expression vanished and he smiled too.


Later on, the six boys were laying on the floor in Han's now cleaned up room and chatted a bit. Chan and Minho were on the their phone and Jeong-in was lying on the couch, whistling softly to himself.

All in all, they were a teeny tiny bit bored-

Chan was scrolling through his Instagram homepage when a post from Felix was suggested to him:

♥ 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 ♥ - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕩 // DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora