♥23: Saturday

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The alarm clock chimed into Chan's dreams, it was the wake up call for this Saturday. He sleepily opened one eye and yawned.

The not fully closed curtains added an orange glow to the morning light. It reminded Chan of the time he slept in a beach hut with his parents, watching the ocean emerge under the golden shimmer. For a moment his mind conjured the rhythmic waves, soft on the sandy shore and felt his heart beat to the same slow pace. But then he shook off the memories and sighed deeply.

A new day... a better day had begun. There was no time to be sad today. He'd meet the boys at the swimming pool after all.

While Chan was preparing his bathing stuff and ate breakfast, Felix woke up Jisung on the other side of Busan.

The grumbling older boy turned away from the younger and yawned into his pillow.

"Come on, Hannie, stand up already! It's swimming pool dayyyyy! " Felix giggled happily.

"Gimme 5 more minutes," whined Jisung, sounding like a 5 y/o.

"If you don't get up within the next few seconds...." Felix grinned evilly, and reached for the glass of water on the nightstand.

Jisung shot up like lightning.

"I'M UP! I'm up!"

After Jisung finally stood up and the two boys prepared their stuff for the pool day, they said bye to Hans parents and left the house. The swimming pool wasn't far away from Jisung's place, but since the boys were too lazy to walk on this hot day, they went by bus.

Just three bus stops later, they arrived at the pool. Seungmin and Jeong-in were already there, waiting for the others at the bike racks. And after another ten minutes, Hyunjin, Minho, Chan and Changbin also appeared.

The sun was so hot that Felix could feel the heat frying his skin. When the boys got to the swimming pool, they could already hear the children's laughter and splashing in the water.

Felix could smell the chlorine already. Ah, what was better than smelling fresh chlorine in this toasty weather? Walking up to the entrance with the tall fence surrounding the swimming pool, the boys hurried to get inside.

Once inside they had to adjust their eyes because of the water that was reflecting the bright hot sun and emanated a bright glow.

Han quickly ran to one of the decks next to the big pool and saved two chairs for their stuff.

While the other boys went to the changing rooms, Felix dreamily looked at the crystal clear water.

The sunlight played upon the surface of the water, sweetly inviting him to jump right into the pool. But Felix wanted to do a bit of exploring first.

At the other side of the pool, there was a short bluish green slide and another bigger gray slide with water rushing down right next to the smaller one.

There were a few people lying in the white lawn chairs at the other decks, trying to soak up all of the sunrays. The rest of the people were in the pool, enjoying the cold water on this hot spring day.

The boy with the freckles changed to his swimming trunks as well and made sure to put on some sunscreen so that he wouldn't pay for this day in the sun later.

Together with the others, Felix then walked up to the water, with his bare feet on the hot gray concrete floor surrounding the swimming pool. He hesitated for a moment, wondering how cold the water was.

But he couldn't stay there much longer, since the burning sensation on his feet was getting more intense.

Felix made the decision to jump in quickly so he wouldn't give himself a chance to change his mind.

Bending his knees, he yelled "YEET" and dived right into the frigid water.

He felt the coldness rush all over his body, soothing his hot skin.

The boy with the freckles stayed under water for a few seconds and then made his way up to the surface again, facing the others with a big smile on his face.

"Alright, peoplezzz! " Hyunjin yelled grinning at Felix. "Let's go! "

And with a big 'splash', he also jumped into the water, right next to the younger. He dived a few meters below the pool surface and then shot up again.

"C'mon losers, the last one in the pool has to buy ice cream for everyone! "


*S P L A S H*

Changbin lost...


In a split second, it was already late afternoon. The boys had been at the pool for 3 hours already. An hour ago, Changbin had reluctantly bought everyone ice cream, and now everyone was back in the water again.

The afternoon sun shone down on them with its full force, but it wasn't that hot anymore. Luckily.

Changbin and Hyunjin were currently doing a swimming battle against each other, Seungmin, Minho, Han and Jeong-in were at the big slide and Chan and Felix were sitting at the edge of the pool.

"Let's see who can stay under water longer" Felix suggested while watching Jisung slide down the slide on his knees, yelling like a maniac.

"Sure", Chan answered and jumped into the water.

"But I have to warn u... I was aquaman in my past life-", he added smirking ironically and Felix giggled.

"Alrighty then, Sir Aquaman! Watch me beat you!"

After swimming to the deepest part of the pool they both dived into the water at the count of three and stared intensely at each other while waiting for the other to lose.

Felix' sight was a little restricted by the burning chlorine, but he could still see Chan's face clearly enough to realise that the older was smiling at him. He smiled back and bubbles appeared from the corner of his mouth and slowly made their way up to the pool surface.

After about one and a half minutes, Felix couldn't hold his breath any longer and wanted to swim up again, but Chan's arms engulfed the younger and before Felix knew what was going on the older kissed him.

Surprised, Felix wanted to breath in on reflex, but he noticed that they were still underwater. So he backed away from Chan's hold and made his way back to the surface.

After breathing in enough air, the younger immediately wanted to go back down...as he kind of longed for another kiss- but in that moment Chan appeared right next to him and also took in a sharp breath of fresh air.

"See? Aquaman!", the older laughed as if nothing had just happened.

"That was really dangerous, silly!", Felix hissed quietly and darted his eyes over to the others. But they were still having fun at the slide and didn't seem to have noticed the kiss between Felix and Chan.

At least it seemed so...


Author's note:

Aaaaah, sorry for the late update- Me and my editor were both pretty busy last week TwT

I'll try to publish the next chapter ASAP! <3

♥ 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 ♥ - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕩 // DISCONTINUEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu