♥31: Run, stupid idiot, run

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Chan got dragged through the security checkpoint, back into the large waiting hall. Many eyes were on him and the security guards, but the blonde boy ignored everything around him.

Felix was gone

The blank, emotionless expression on his face slowly turned into a frustrated, sad one as the realization of the moment gradually seeped in. One of the security guards grumbled something inaudible as they reached the entrance area and pushed Chan through the door.

"Don't you dare do that ever again, boy-"

Chan just blankly stared to the ground.

"Hey! Snap out of it and look at me when I talk to you! Disrespectful little twit "

"Sorry... ", Chan muttered, but the security guards only shook their heads, gave him a warning glare and walked away. The crowd surrounding them slowly vanished and Chan turned around to leave the airport grounds. All he wanted was to vanish.

Disappear forever

But just as he reached the parking lot, his phone started ringing.


Chan answered the call and heard his friend sigh in relief.

"Chan, oh my god, you picked up- Please tell me Felix didn't leave "

"He left... Jisung, why are even calling? "

"He DID?! Frick, I was hoping that you could change his mind... And what do you mean by 'WhY aRe YoU eVeN caLLiNg'? You two are my friends, silly. And as YOUR official best friend, of course I had to check up on you "

Chan remained silent, still surrounded by his own thoughts.

"Uhhhh, what are you doing right now? ", Han asked, his voice sounding more and more worried.

"What am I supposed to do, huh? Felix is gone, so I'll go home now... We're done... Lix won't ever speak to me again. "

"Oh for fucks sake Chan, you're such an idiot..."

"Why?! "

"If I was in this situation, I'd-"

"Yeah, but you're not. Please Jisung, just leave me alone- "

"OH FOR THE FUCKING LOVE OF GOD CHAN! LISTEN TO ME, YOU STUPID A-HOLE! GO AFTER HIM IF YOU REALLY LOVE HIM! NOW! OR I'LL COME TO THE AIRPORT AND PUNCH THE HELL OUT OF YOU. " Jisung screamed into the speaker, leaving Chan in a momentary state of shock. And then he hung up.

The blonde boy stared at his phone in a daze, another wave of tears dripping onto the clear phone screen. Of course he loved Felix... But was it also still the other way around?

With Jisung's words circling around his mind, and Chan decided to take his rather forceful but needed advice. He got up with shaking legs and started running towards the airport building again, wiping away the few tears from his cheeks. He didn't care about the wrathful security guards, the whispers around him.

All he wanted to do was to see Felix again.

Even for a single moment.

He didn't know when the next flight to Australia was, he didn't know if he had enough money... But he knew that he had to follow Felix. He needed to apologize and pick up the broken pieces... he owed Felix that.

It was the least he could do.

The next plane to Australia leaves in 7 hours

"Fucking hell", Chan cursed silently as the lady told him about the flight departure and the price for the ticket.

2641438 Won... It's so expensive...

But the price didn't matter, Chan would follow Felix no matter what. And since the flight was only in a few hours, Chan went back to his apartment and got the bare essentials. More money so maybe he could pay for a place to stay, a small suitcase with some clothes, and his ID.

Back at the airport, he was clamping down on the chair in the waiting area while crossing and uncrossing his legs out of impatience.

3 more hours

Chan overhear a man weeping as he was told, "I'm sorry, Sir. The plane has already departed and you have missed the flight. There is nothing we can do..."

Chan could only sympathize with his situation. He was in a similar situation just a few hours before...

People were in a hurry thinking that they might miss their flight. They were rushing through the airport as if they were attending a marathon, feet slapping with luggage rolling wildly behind them. Young children with their parents were coming out of the restaurants with sticky chocolate ice creams in their hands, some dripping onto the worn tile floor.

A young girl had fallen asleep in her dads lap with a fluffy blanket covering her while a young man in the chair next to her was trying to clean the coffee he spilled on his clothes.

All this was happening while Chan sat in his grey plastic chair, impatiently waiting for the announcement guy to announce his flight.

And then...

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 4419 to Australia. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."

Chan jumped up, ready to go to his gate, ready to leave Korea and reunite with Felix...


And while Chan entered the plane, literally thousands of miles away, Felix finally closed his eyes to get the sleep that he didn't get yesterday when he cried all night. He was so tired and ready to fall into a dreamless stupor.

He had watched out of the window the last 7 hours, questioning his decision to go back, thinking about everything that had happened. He didn't know about the older following him, his phone was turned off completely so he wouldn't start crying from all the farewell wishes of his friends. He missed them already...

I'm sorry... Hannie, Minho, Seungmin, Innie, Hyunjin, Changbin...



Author's note:

Yeeee, Chan will follow Felix! Are u guys happy?

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