♥40: Hi, Chris speaking

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⚠️TW: Mention of severe injuries⚠️

While Felix was caged in his own body, Chan was trapped in his own whirling emotions.

Knock knock

"Christopher? Dear? Are you alright in there?", a familiar voice asked. 

"Everything's alright mum- I'm just-"

His words broke up and all he could say were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down his face, and he tried stopping them by squeezing his eyelids shut. But the choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time, and Chan sat there motionless while the door slowly opened and the dim light from the corridor shone into the dark room.

"Chris, honey...", his mum whispered, a tray with two tea cups and some chocolaty sweets in her hands. She set aside the tray before carefully sitting next to her son and Chan immediately hugged her, letting his sobs take over his mind. 

While sitting there, his mother softly rubbing his back, Chan was suddenly sure she always knew more than she let on. Unlike his dad, she never said "I told you so," or tried to belittle the intensity of his feelings. It seemed like she could see him more clearly as a person rather than a problem creating dependent. 

She had always understood her son back then, and she still did, even after all the time that had passed. She had been Chan's number one supporter in his childhood and always saw the best in him.

If only all mothers were like that.

Thinking about how Felix' mother probably never saw her son that way, and about the love he deserved but never received, Chan's sobs became louder. 

"Shhh hey sunshine...", Chan's mum whispered, her son still in her embrace.

"I'm sorry- I just- can't get over it, those damn tears won't stop-", Chan uttered, suppressing a cough. 

"It's okay dear, let it all out... just look up to the clouds, they also cry sometimes", she started, and Chan knew how she'd finish the sentence. When he'd cry as a little boy, his mum would always tell him those exact words. 

"Clouds don't bottle it up, son, and neither should you. A little inner rainy day doesn't always have to be bad", she continued. Chan just had to let out a small chuckle as he remembered the many times she had comforted him like this. For example that one time when his friend hit him with a plastic spatula in the sandbox in the backyard. He unfortunately still remembered that traumatic experience. How could he not? That plastic spatula was painful...

That small trip down his memory lane allowed him to calm his mind at least little. He coughed and tried wiping his tears away once more, finally backing away from his mum. 

"It's funny how you still remember that phrase", Chan sniffed, crossing his legs as he was drying his cheeks with his wrist. "Also, I soaked ur entire hoodie, sorry-"

Chan's mum only gave a warm smile in return. "As long as you feel better, a wet hoodie is nothing."

On the other side of Sydney, unbeknown to Chan, Felix limped around the room. Well at least his consciousness was, his body was laying in the hospital bed, lifeless as ever.

Felix didn't want all of this at all.

Life wasn't supposed to be this way... Why did this have to happen?!

But life never turned out perfectly...

There were nurses hovering by his bedside, day in and day out. Doctors kept dropping in to visit. Not a minute went by without the young boy poking at his exterior, fighting, like a soul trapped inside a coffin, just for a chink of light.

But to no avail.

Every hour the same faces, the same processes, the same beeping of the machine which became familiar and almost... normal.

But around noon, he didn't know the exact time since the clock had stopped working yesterday evening, a new face entered the room with a few other, familiar ones. The small doctor, her name was Ava Ryan as far as Felix could read her name tag, talked to another nurse who always changed Felix' bandages. 

She then looked at him directly, a sad expression on her face, and got out her phone. She typed in a number and called someone, and a few moments later, Felix heard her say "Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital, its Ava Ryan speaking, that nurse at the counter- *short pause* Yes, that's why I'm calling. The young patient's-" 

The door shut and Ava Ryan was gone.

As Felix stared after her, his curiosity and desperation grew.

Who was the person on the other side of the phone? 

Was it someone he knew? 

Perhaps his parents? 

Why was the nurse so concerned when looking at him?!

What's going on?!

Chan also didn't know an answer to that question when his phone started buzzing. He quickly grabbed it from the nightstand and looked at the screen. 

"Unknown" was the contact calling, and a small gasp escaped Chan's lips, his muscles stiffened.

Was this finally from the hospital?

His mum seemed to know that he wanted to be alone with this, so she stood up and left the room. Chan quickly answered the call, his hands shaking as he tapped the green button:

"Uh hi- Chris speaking?"

"Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital, its Ava Ryan speaking, that nurse at the counter- " , he heard the nurse's voice. 

"Oh thank god ur calling- Do u have any info on Felix? I mean- The patient?"

"Yes, that's why I'm calling. The young patient's parents haven't shown up since the accident happened... We contacted them but they are not interested in seeing their son which breaks my heart- We asked them if you were allowed to visit the patient, but they hung up instantly when hearing your name. Usually, stranger visitation without permission is against protocol, but as the boy's condition hasn't worsened in the last days and there's nothing else we could do, I will allow you to visit him."

Overwhelmed, Chan couldn't think about anything else to answer, so he just straightly asked the fateful question:

"Mrs. Ryan- The boy- He's Felix Lee right?"

"Yes, yes he is-"

Chan felt dizzy, nauseous. Empty. He had already guessed that Felix was the one involved in the car crash, but the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. With a shaky voice, he continued speaking to Ava:

"How's- How's he doing in general, how severe are his injuries? And when can I visit him?"

"He's in a coma and hasn't woken up yet. We don't know when he will- We just know that he is very lucky to be alive. He suffered a major head trauma, has 5 broken ribs and 1st and 2nd degree burns on his arms and legs. His right lung got pierced by a piece of broken glass. The emergency medics luckily could stop the internal bleeding and remove the glass in one piece, otherwise..."

The nurse's voice echoed through Chan's head as she continued listing Felix' injuries. His hand shook violently and he almost dropped his phone, were it not for his mum who came back in and supported him into a chair.

He dropped his dazed head in his hands, barely listening to the doctor on the other side of the phone.


How did this happen?

How did things turn out this way?

♥ 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 ♥ - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕩 // DISCONTINUEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu