♥34: Images

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The smell of stale cigarettes from previous passengers wafted up Felix's nose as the Uber driver drove out of the parking lot. The boy looked down to inspect the ripped seats, and then out of the dirty car window.

The uber guy was on a phone call with another dude and Felix could overhear the two of them arguing over a woman since the speaker phone was switched on. He sighed, did they have no sense of shame at all?

"Ugh- She's such a b!tch!", the driver yelled in a nasally tone, and then noticed Felix's gaze through his rear view mirror. Embarrassed, Felix quickly turned his head away from the man and turned his attention to the people on the sidewalk.

Through the window, he looked at his own reflection, his freckles, the freckles that he once hated... And as if by autopilot, his thoughts went back to the night when Chan had told him that his freckles reminded him of stars.

A beautiful galaxy.

A tightening of his throat, a short intake of breath, and then the tears rolled down his cheeks... again. Felix tried wiping them away, but he just couldn't stop crying.

Why did it have to be like this?

His tears blurred his vision for a few moments. And then Felix saw two blinding lights in front of the window, like two shining eyes trying to pierce the impenetrable darkness – and with a jolt, Felix realized that those lights belonged to a city bus - barreling right at him with lightning speed. He wanted to open his mouth... but he didn't even have any time to react.

It was already too late.

He couldn't take his eyes off the mesmerizing shining lights speeding right towards him.

Images of his life flashing past like a slideshow that was sped up. 

Images of his friends...

Images of Chan...


He heard tires squeal as a huge blow hit the uber car, and it seemed like an immense weight was thrown onto Felix. Time seemed to stop, and the freckled boy could see minuscule details. Glass glittering and metal twisting. He saw blood but couldn't tell where it came from, the adrenaline in his body prevented him from feeling any pain.

For now.

The car flipped to the side and Felix' seat belt locked, but he slid out of the shoulder belt, fell sideways and slammed his head into the opposite passenger door. A metallic taste stung the back of his mouth and the smell of gas along with the sound of crunching metal surrounded him.

The last thing Felix saw was a waterfall of glass cascading on him before everything went blank, and the immense weight was lifted off him as he seemed to float away into complete and utter darkness.

He was brought back to consciousness with a ringing in his ears and he cracked his eyes open. His sight was reddish and indistinct, as if someone had put a filter on.

The fumes from the gas tank must have ignited since the inside of the car was hot and steamy.

Sirens blared in the distance and paramedics were screaming out orders.

Ah... is it my time already?

Car pieces were shattered all over the road.

The driver was already out of the wreck, and it was just Felix, with half of his body stuck in the car which was laying on its roof.

In the corner of his eyes, the boy saw a few blurred shapes approaching the car. Someone was probably talking to him, but the ringing in his ears blocked out every other sound.

He felt hands grasping his neck and shoulders. And then the painful weight on his chest was suddenly getting lighter and lighter as three firefighters tried to lift the car so that Felix could get out.

Fire spread, smoke built up and Felix' head started spinning again as someone vigorously dragged him away from the now fully ignited wreck.

Slowly laying Felix on the street, far away from the fire, the paramedic started yelling at him. But Felix couldn't hear anything and his eyes started getting heavier again. In the far distance, he thought he could see Chan, his dimpled smile wide while extending his hand towards him.

"Chan- I'm sorry-", he mumbled, feeling the paramedic's hands on his cheeks trying to keep him awake, but with Chan's glimmering image in front of him, Felix's vision began to blacken and a single tear ran down his bruised cheek, dripping onto the cracked pavement.

I'm sorry Chan.

I'm sorry.

♥ 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 ♥ - 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕩 // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now