He already has a Jason whose noble phantasm is upgraded to level 4... What does he need another Jason for? Jason was one of his meh servants. He was just there for the memes like his Sumanai. He uses him just for his noble phantasms. To see that guy have his ass kicked by the Argonauts (most of all by Medea Lily). Even though he was slightly redeemed in the Atlantic Lostbelt, he wasn't a fan of the guy. He wasn't fun of Gil either. Or even that Fionn Guy. They are all a bunch of assholes.

In the case of Gil, even though he wasn't a fan of that guy, he had no choice but to mostly use him since he was one of his few 5-star servants. Useless Goddess Ishtar hasn't graced her presence in his humble abode. Even the dick Wizard either. He has just chosen to stay at his fucking Avalon.

At least he has two Scathach with him. And Karna. Plus Artoria, Jack the Ripper, Sherlock, Jeanne d'Arc, and Voyager.

If only he had those Grand Serva– He decided to get his funk out of those pessimistic thoughts. He has at least a lot of 4 stars (Sumanai didn't count).

" Let's fucking burn the Jasons and have the other Jason suffer through his noble phantasms. "

He should add Jason to the farming team with Fionn, and Caster Gilles de Rais. And then they would have Columbus, Gil, and Sumana as backup servants. (Sorry Sumanai, but your stats– You also keep appearing in my rolls even though I didn't want you.) Voyager didn't deserve to be placed in that team full of jerks.

He got the satisfaction of seeing Jason get his ass kicked later. Seeing him suffer seems therapeutic. for him... It is also good when he sees that Fionn has died. He even thought that maybe he should have Caster Gilles, Columbus, and even Sumanai killed. But it would take a long time to get that done. Farming should be quick. But he was taking too long.

After a while, he manages to have the task done and get Mana's prisms. It was already night. He needed to sleep. At that thought, he unconsciously let out a yawn.

Later, he was resting in his bed with his eyes closed and his phone placed in the drawer inside his room. He eventually dreamed of his servants leaving him one by one. What's worse than even his 5 stars have eventually left him leaving him with only salt and craft essences.

It was a nightmare for him.


But his nightmare has just begun.

He doesn't know how much time has passed, but when regains consciousness, he feels that something is different.

He felt that his body was so tired and it wasn't properly responding to him when he wanted it to move. It feels sluggish. He immediately shook himself out in laziness when he noticed it. He opened his eyes and was welcomed with the sight of very dark surroundings.

Did they have just a blackout? Shouldn't his parents have informed him and woke him up?  He decided to get up on his bed. But then he noticed it. His bed now was an uncomfortable hard and cold surface of carved rock. He blinked when he noticed it. He decided to pinch himself but before he could do that his eyes widened as he saw his 'hands'.

" What the – "

Hell is this... That is what he wanted to say. But the words choked on his throat when he also noticed that there was something different. His voice sounded like a child. He stared at his hands. It was now small like a child.

‘ It can't be... This is just a dream, right? ’

It was an impossible and inconceivable thing to happen. It didn't even enter his mind because it was a troublesome thing. He pinched his cheeks. A feeling of dread overcame him.

‘ This is real. I am not dreaming.. ’

He decided to get up from the cold and hard rock that had only a thin fabric that served as a cover. For the next few minutes, he observes his surroundings. There was a group of pots clustered together not far from the 'bed'. The walls and ceilings of this place were also a rock. He noticed a light in the distance. He decided to walk towards them. Being in the darkness was making him uncomfortable. His body sluggishly walks towards the direction of the light leaning towards the hard and rocky walls of this place. He feels so weak and tired. Being in a small and young body also didn't help with his sense of balance.

He can't understand how this thing happened to him. It was unacceptable.

He continued to walk slowly and moved forward until he was welcomed by a sudden bright light. He was forced to close his eyes.

" Iason? "

He was surprised when he heard a voice and some strange footsteps. He opened his eyes and came upon the sight of a concerned-looking man. He looked nice and was wearing leather armor. He blinked and it was confirmed that this man was wearing leather armor.

" Iason, you shouldn't be getting up. Go back there and rest. Also, didn't you listen to my lessons? You shouldn't eat random fruits that you come across in this forest. Look at what happened to you... "

He listened to the man's words. The more he listened to the man, the more he was certain that he wasn't speaking in English. But he can still understand and grasp what the man is saying. It is strange. Along with the eccentric feeling of familiarity. He doesn't know this man but for some reason, he feels that he should know this person.

" Who are you? "

He asked those words at the man. The resulting response wasn't unexpected.

" Iason, what are you talking about? "

There was only one explanation for this nightmare. He transmigrated into a young boy.

" I'm sorry, but I can't remember... I can't remember anything... is this Iason my name? "

There is one thing that he could only do in his situation. That was to pretend to be this child and tell the man that he lost his memories. Is Iason this child's name? It was nearly similar to his name Jason. From what he remembered Iason was an archaic form of Jason. He was certain that it was a Greek form of Jason. He gazed at the man and found that the latter was looking at him with a grim expression on his face.

" Do you not remember anything? "

Slowly, he nodded his head. The man's expression looks at him with a sad expression on his face. Hesitantly, he approached him like a wounded animal.

" Your name is Iason. "

The man kneeled and ruffled his head.

"  Don't be afraid Iason. I promised that we would find the cause of this and get your memories back. "

Shit, he was starting to feel guilty for lying. He doesn't know this man but he was giving the vibes of a kind and caring person. Is this man, the child's father? He tilted his head down and his eyes gaze also lowered. He was now starting to feel more guilty.

That's when he noticed it. His eyes widened. It must be an illusion. He blinked and it was still there. His body started trembling.

" Iason.. "

He unconsciously looks up to the 'man' because he called his name.

" Your teacher Chiron would make it truly happen. "


That's why this man looks familiar huh? His gaze wandered down to Chiron's 'feet. Or should he say hoofs?

Wait, Iason... Does that mean.. Jason?

This situation is fucked up, isn't it?

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