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I let out a sigh of relief while I watered my orchids, gardening genuinely was my favorite past time, especially now that Reward wasn't here to bring up random conversation. I've been planting this particular herd of flowers for only about three months. Because Reward was being extra and wanted to completely remodel the exterior of the house.

When we first moved in there was this unreasonably large shed, right beside where I first started planting my flowers, so he dismantled it for more room and even installed a lake and got an electrician to decorate it all through and hang some light strips over it, which made it simply breathtaking.

My brother never really cared about what I intended to do the rest of my life, all he wanted was for me to excel in whatever I had decided, I really did appreciate him for that, all the verbal abusive and mental trauma he went through growing up luckily didn't cause a dent in his good character, if anything it enabled him to not only be a good person, but actually act on that goodness, with very few limits to his views on how he wanted to do it.

I hadn't seen Jahseh in exactly two weeks. I went to his condo the next day after the whole thing happened and the receptionist said he wasn't there, I went back about a week after and she said he hadn't checked in since the Saturday we went to the animal shelter and I didn't have his phone number so I couldn't call him.

I wasn't sure if he had told any of his friends about what was going on between us, but I could guess that Naeem wasn't in the dark anymore after witnessing and probably eavesdropping on what took place between Cleo and I, But I crossed the idea of calling Stoke in hopes and reaching Jahseh out of my mind, not wanting to cause any type dispute if he wasn't even planning on telling him at all.

I wasn't going to apologize to Cleo because I know I said what she needed to hear and my words will hopefully resonate with her to at least a point where she starts to question her behavior, so I definitely wasn't going to risk going to his house and running into her—or worse, a bunch of his friends.

"Hellooo." I sang as I picked up my phone. "He's going to the gym." Reiya said blankly from the end of the line. "Wait what?" I furrowed my eyebrows, holding my phone between my cheek and shoulder while I took off my gloves.

"Your charity case is on his way to the gym." I had asked Reiya if she could find out wherever Jah was when he wasn't with the boys so that I could go find him, but oddly enough, every time she and Rahime hung out, he would be doing one thing or the other but he was always there, which heavily contradicted his statement about 'preferring to be alone'.

"Oh." Was all I was able to say, a little taken back while I stumbled my way into my house to wear a fresh outfit. "W-well which gym is that?" I said while wiggling out of my dress and putting on some ripped jeans.

"Hollon lemme ask," She whispered before adding. "Better listen cuz im not about to repeat it." I nodded my head even though I knew she couldn't see me and put the call on speaker while I looked under my bed for my hair ribbon, remembering how I saw it fall but simply felt too lazy to pick it up.

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ✗ 𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐒𝐄𝐇 𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐘Where stories live. Discover now