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"Why she do that?!" Reiya's voice squeaked as she spoke

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"Why she do that?!" Reiya's voice squeaked as she spoke. "No clue. I'm about to find out though." I slammed my car door and walked up to Jah's house as I sighed in relief when I saw her car parked in his driveway.

"I know damn well you are not about to confront that nigga's moth-"

"Cleo?" I called out, knocking on the door forcefully, just to let her know the whole spirit of the situation as she walked to the door.

"Hey, Unique." Naeem licked his lips and rubbed is hands against each other after he opened the door. "What brings-" I cut him off by pushing the door open and letting myself in.

"Well damn if you wanted to see Jah you could've just said that." I ignored him and walked further into the house in search of Cleo. "He isn't even here, he's prolly at the condo."

"Where's Cleo?" I turned around and looked at him, finally acknowledging his presence. "I need to talk to her."

As though on cue, she rushed down the stairs with a seemingly concerned expression on her face. "What's wrong? Did the date go bad?"

"The relationship your building with your son is extremely toxic when it doesn't have to be." I blurted out, unintentionally. It honestly was none of my business, but I felt she really didn't know how much her existence in Jahseh's life was actually affecting him.

"Um," She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief before raising an eyebrow at me while she took off her bonnet and placed in on the center table. "Pardon?"

"You literally performed a federal crime. Breaking and entering? He could press charges and get you arrested." I pointed out.

"I am his mother." She countered sternly, as an attempt to intimidate me.

"Who was specifically listed as a person who did not have any authorization to be allowed into his condo, the police wouldn't care." I stood my ground. I had a feeling that Jahseh had tried to voice his opinions to her time and time before but she was probably narrow minded on the topic and felt like 'kids' shouldn't have a say in how they get treated by their parents.

"Listen here lil girl," She started off. "You've got a lot of guts to come here to my son's house and talk to me like this." She spat, literal specs of saliva being visible to my naked eye as they flew out her mouth when she spoke.

"You think you can use me as some sort of pawn to ruin your sons mental state-oh wait you already have."

"First of all my relationship with my son is none of your damn business." She said dismissively, and I knew that she was done with the conversation but I wasn't. "Your job was to distract him while I did what I had to do."

"Maybe that was your ulterior motive, but what I agreed on was being someone who he could talk to."

She opened her mouth to speak but I kept going. "I'm not the person who you're going to use to be a pawn for you to use to mentally damage him. Ever." I scoffed. "The problem isn't even him. He was on the brink of tears because of what you did."

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ✗ 𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐒𝐄𝐇 𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐘Where stories live. Discover now