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"Hi Jahseh

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"Hi Jahseh." I smiled as he opened the door with a shocked look on his face.

"Unique?" He looked haunted by my presence, like he put some sort of repellent in his room and was certain it would keep me away.

"Can you wait out here?" He asked politely, but evidently he was frantic. "For a minute?" He added not even waiting for a response before trying to close the door in my face.

"No." I replied simply, sticking my foot between the door and it's frame, pushing it back open before letting myself inside.

Just as I walked in I immediately understood why he wanted me to wait.

There we're two barely clothed girls frantically picking up their clothes from the couch and few wine bottles as they rushed out the door, which Jahseh held open as he sent me an uneasy look.

"What's the strongest kind of liquor you've taken?" I randomly asked, it wasn't really that random though.

"Spirytus Vodka." His eyebrows knit together.

My eyes widened at how quickly he answered. "That sounds scary."

He laughed. "It's near death in a bottle."

"Is that even legal here?" I leaned on the Island in the kitchen.

He shrugged. "It is in New York."

I huffed and turned around and opened his cupboard and got the oils out. No way in hell was I gonna travel to New York to fuck up my kidneys.

"Okay." Was all I replied with as I handed him the spoon.

He took it from my grasp without a word.

"No stalling or complaints?" I gasped dramatically and climbed the island and slid across to sit right beside where he stood.

I placed the back of my hand on his forehead. "Are you okay?" I feigned concern.

"I'm fine." He rolled his eyes and tried to bite my hand but I jerked it away swiftly before he could.

"Well why aren't you whining?" I pouted.

"I don't whine." He glared at me.

"Yeah, men don't whine." I waved him off. "I know."

"That's not what I was going to say." He said dully, his hard glare on me.

"You know," I hopped off the island and went to his fridge and got a chilled bottle of water. "The way you look at me used to scare the shit out of me."

He raised his eyebrows in question but I already knew what he was going to ask.

"Yes Jahseh." I nodded. "Was, as in past tense."

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ✗ 𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐒𝐄𝐇 𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐘Where stories live. Discover now