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"How are you coping?" Reiya asked me while I poured mint tea in my mug, after her cousin's random mistreatment

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"How are you coping?" Reiya asked me while I poured mint tea in my mug, after her cousin's random mistreatment. She could've been playing dumb but it seemed like she had no idea what had happened between Charmaine and I which struck me as odd, knowing for a fact that they told each other everything.

It made me feel extremely left out in the beginning of our friendship, their endless inside jokes and how they always hung out, even my two best friends were closer friends with each other than they were with me, which isn't that surprising, since they share a bloodline... but a younger me felt very envious that all of us were practically the same age yet I however was still unable to find my forever person, (platonically speaking).

Sucks to know that I was stuck comparing my life to two people who practically shared a body and were raised by the same society.

I ultimately convinced myself that I wasn't being a crybaby and that how Charmaine treated me was something I was going to look at her differently and hold her accountable for, she had absolutely no right to talk down to me like that in front of her lil gossip group of friends who she had known for no less than a couple of months and then proceed to laugh when one of them talked bad about me, that was an allegory of her throwing our nearly five year friendship out the window and no one could convince me otherwise.

I felt like I had to be wary in Reiya's presence, unsure what either of their actual intentions were, but for the most part it seemed like we were good.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I know I'll miss the constant headache he brings me." I mentally cursed myself for assuming she was talking about Jahseh, but I knew that I couldn't just cut my statement short incase that actually was what she was referring to so I continued. "But I'm sure I'll make it out alive."

"Glad to see that you aren't all heartbroken about this." She smiled at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We aren't dating and he isn't dying." I let out an awkward laugh, but I realized she was probably looking for someone to relate how she was currently feeling with, since her boyfriend was also part of Jahseh's tour. "But how are you coping?"

"I'm good, just praying this nigga don't do nothing dumb and make me feel stupid." I frowned.

"Him doing something dumb makes no one but him look stupid." I replied, if she was so bothered about him cheating then she probably doesn't trust him enough to do the long distance. "Your decision after that, is what determines how you look."

"I know, I just like him a lot, and I really don't want him to fuck up."

"Then trust him." I finally took another sip from my mug. "Cuz the way you be talking be making it sound like you're manifesting it."

"I be saying the worst but praying for the best."

"They finish the tour before we go to school?" I turned my phone on.

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ✗ 𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐒𝐄𝐇 𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐘Where stories live. Discover now