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Everyone was seated in the hall. The eliminations were in full swing and Y/N's and Yuxin's hands were tightly linked together. Gia had taken the 48th spot, Qi Sui got 28th, Fan with the 20th, Nineone ranked 14th and Keran had the secured the 12th position. Jade had taken the 56th position meaning she would stay in the show. Y/N was still seated next to Yuxin and was growing more and more nervous with each passing moment. She was convinced that she would be eliminated but her friends around her wouldn't let her believe that.

'The 60th position will be announced at the end. I will now announce rank 9 to 1 respectively.' Kun said, not giving away any hints. Xue'er ranked ninth and Yuxin ranked eighth making Y/N hug her tightly. 'I'm so proud of you.' She said before pulling away. Shaking was next followed by Chen Jue, Xuan, Anqi, Xiaotang and Jiaqi. Shuxin had ranked first and everybody cheered for her. 

It was time to announce the 60th rank and Y/N didn't dare to look up at the screen. The whole room cheered but Y/N didn't want to look. She noticed her friends smiling in her direction and urging her to look. She gave in and saw herself being shown alongside Duan Xiaowei, Shen Bing and Huang Xiaoyun. She breathed out and hid her face in her hands. She hated the situation she was in. If she got the position everybody else's dreams may be crushed. If she didn't get through then Yuxin and all her friends could be in harms way.

She was confused on how to feel and looked up, dreading the outcome. The screens turned black then her face suddenly appeared. She closed her eyes and breathed out. She opened her eyes and was met with Yuxin's who was smiling up at her. She slightly shook her head before making her way to the front, making Yuxin frown in concern.

'Thank you youth producers for voting for me... I don't really know what to say. I came to this show with no experience of the stage. I'm not the best at making friends but I'm glad that the ones I've gained throughout this show have stuck around. I knew someone before but my confidence drew us apart. I had no one. But now, I have my best friend back, I've made more and I've been recognised by people worldwide. This is experience has taught me that everyone with the same goal will get to the end. It may take more or less time than others. It may have more setbacks, but they will get there. They may bump into each other more than once. Their memories may be good or bad, but in the end they help you. To all the trainees parting with us today, I'll see you further down the line. Thank you everyone.' 

Y/N handed the mic back and bowed before turning on her heel to climb up the stairs. She noticed all her friends come down to congratulate her and she hugged them all. She saw Yuxin waiting for her and ran into her arms before sobbing into her shoulder. Yuxin hushed the younger girl and rubbed her back calming her down. They pulled away from each other and she wiped Y/N's tears away before flashing her a smile. 'We'll talk later, okay?' Y/N nodded before slowly moving away from her.



This might be the last update for today. Something happened today and I don't really have the energy to do anything right now. I'll try and update later though.

I'm really sorry guys.

Thanks for reading

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