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'Y/N...' She went to touch Y/N's face but her daughter backed away before she got the chance. 'Y/N, how dare you. I'm your mother. Do not back away from me.' She reached out and held Y/N's arm digging her nails into her skin. 'Let go of me.' She tried to pull her arm away but felt a handbag hit her across her face knocking her to the floor. She grabbed her hair pulling it out of her braids and yanked her towards her like a ragdoll.

'Where did you get that mouth from, huh? Other people? You've been making friends? You had the guts to make friends after all I warned you. After all I've done for you and you still went behind my back. You're the one who going to get hurt. They're gonna hurt you and then when you realise I'm not gonna be here like I was. Before your Dad brainwashed you and turned you against me. What happened to my sweet daughter? Do you know what you've turned into? An ugly worthless bitch. You know that. Ugly. Worthless. Bitch.'

Y/N had her hands over her ears but that didn't help her mothers word bring back the flood of memories from her childhood. Just as things got better, she came and everything went back to normal. Was she not meant to ever feel happy? Was this how it was going to be for the rest of her life? Tears streamed down her face and she tried to stop her breathing from becoming out of her control. 

'STOP, PLEASE, STOP IT!' Y/N screamed as loud as she could making her mother slap her. 'SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT. THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR MOTHER.' The doors flew open revealing security guards and Yuxin who was pushing her way past them to Y/N who was trembling in the corner. 'Y/N! Hey, it's me. It's okay.' She hushed Y/N who resisted her at first but buried herself in Yuxin's arms when she realised. Yuxin looked up to the crazy woman who was screaming and cursing at the guards, to get off of her trying to claw her way back to Y/N. 

Yuxin went to get up but Y/N held her tighter, 'P-please don't.' Y/N couldn't stop shaking and her tears were out of her command. 'I d-don't care how a-angry you are a-at her p-please don't.' Yuxin understood that Y/N was only worrying about Yuxin who was in the eye of the public. She didn't want her reputation to be ruined. 'Don't worry, I won't Boo. I'm gonna stay here with you.' She said as she pulled her closer to her. 'Thank y-you.' Y/N sniffed trying her hardest to calming down. 20 minutes had passed and Y/N had turned her cries into small sniffs. She was still shaking but insisted that she was feeling better and should go back.

Keran appeared in the door with Gia, Fan and Qi Sui. 'Let's take her back to the table then we'll talk about it.' Yuxin said. Luckily the girls were given a table that was out of the way so it wouldn't attract much attention. Y/N looked around to see if her mother was still inside but saw her outside talking to the guards and two other men. She pulled on Yuxin jacket to get her attention and they slowly walked over to the doors. When they got closer she recognised the two men instantly. She pulled away from Yuxin and rushed out of the doors to hug them. 'Y/N honey.'


Hi for the third time today.

Imma now fall asleep in the intervention I never signed up for but was put in anyway.

Adios muchachas

Thanks for readingggg :))))))

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