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Multiple questions ran through both of their heads as they tried to figure out who the other was. There was a slight silence as they both figured out what they were going to say but couldn't find the words because of their racing thoughts. Overhead the clouds darkened and a few drops of water fell from the sky as they heard fast approaching footsteps from the direction they came in.

Y/N knew she would not be able to help the man, who needed medical attention as soon as possible. She did not want to go back to to her mother but found herself with no choice. ' I know we just ran away from her but she's the only one who can help you right now. With your injury and with our questions. I'll help you get out of there afterwards I promise but for now you need to be seen otherwise your wound will get a lot worse. You knows how far we are from a hospital and how long you can go. You're bleeding a lot and we don't have a choice.'

'I know. I understand.' He spoke back, in pain. She helped him stand up and they both started walking towards the guards. She heard them shout that they have been found and they were soon surrounded and by the men and held at gunpoint. After the guards were sure that the pair weren't going to run off again they stood down and quickly escorted them back to the house.

By the time they were back they were drenched through from the rain and were seen to be dried, bandaged and and warmly clothed again. 'That was a brave stunt you tried to pull off XuKai. And you tried to snatch away my daughter as well. What to do?' Her eyes scanned over the two who were sitting there avoiding I contact with her. She could sense that there was something they wanted to say. 'For Christ sake just spit it out!' She slammed her hands on the coffee table making Y/N jolt from the sudden noise.

The lady stomped around the table and grabbed the boys hair pulling it back so his face was visible. 'Speak.' She looked in his eyes sternly but he just looked back at her. Her signature grin formed on her face again before she let go of him and walked around to where Y/N was sitting.

'Why were you at the hospital?' she asked making the young girl gulp. She could feel herself trembling under the intense starethat was coming from her mother. She thought of ways to avoid the question and that started to panic when she couldn't come up with a solution to her problem. 'No particular reason... I think I just passed out from exhaustion.'

'Oh really, you must eat up then. I heard you're on that show. Did they not feed you well? Surely you can sue them for that?' A mysterious tone was in her voice. 'No... they show treated me well. It must have just been the intense practicing hours. I had a lot of performances with fast-paced choreography. I'm sure it's nothing serious.'

She lied through her teeth hoping that her mother wouldn't ask any more questions. She tried to maintain her steady breath and focused on making sure her hands weren't shaking as bad. A small laugh escaped her mother's lips as she walked around the table and then left the room. The pair on the sofa could hear her heels clicking away on the tiles and making soft thuds as she climbed up the stairs.

They took a small sigh of relief once the guards had left and looked at each other. Without having to say a word they both knew that they would now have to stick to each other like glue. They knew until they got answers they couldn't leave. And they certainly couldn't afford to be separated. Not when she was around.

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