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A few hours later and all the girls had stopped at a restaurant near the YWY2 building for dinner. The bad feeling in Y/N's stomach never went, only faded, but she felt comfortable because of her hand in Yuxin's the whole time. The food came and the trainees ate, laughed and celebrated their friendship. For the first in her life, Y/N was surrounded by people that she could trust, people that she knew wouldn't hurt her, people that were her friends. 

Y/N poured a small amount of wine for herself and took a few sips making all the girls turn to her in shock. 'What?' She asked. 'You drink?' Nineone asked. 'Not like some people here.' She laughed. 'I don't keep alcohol at home. If I go out to eat, then I might have a glass of wine but that's it. I haven't really had anything other than wine.' She explained making most girls relax. 

'Drinking can unhealthy for your health. Don't do it.' Xiaotang said eyeing the bottle of champagne at the other side of the side making everyone burst out laughing again. 'Yuxin do you drink?' Keyin asked making Xueer laugh. 'Since I've known her she hasn't touched a single drop of alcohol.' Y/N smiled at Yuxin who was playing around with her food. 'She drank once. That was it.' 

Yuxin gulped as she remembered the night of her 18th birthday. 'It was a fun night.' Y/N laughed making Yuxin frown in her direction but smile. 'Fei was gonna kill me.' She laughed making Y/N nod and take another sip. 'Hannah looked pissed as well.' They both laughed out. 'I haven't seen them in so long.' Yuxin whispered. 

Y/N rubbed her arm slightly, 'We should go see them when we have a chance.' Yuxin nodded and leaned on Y/N's shoulder. Meanwhile, Xiaotang went to reach for the champagne but accidentally knocked over a glass of water in Y/N's direction. She moved back to avoid getting wet but a few splashes went on the side of her shorts. 

'Xiaotang sit down. Look what you've done.' Shuxin scolded the girl who was throwing tissues in Y/N's direction making everyone laugh. 'I'll go clean up, I'll be back.' Y/N laughed. When she got into the toilets she noticed another lady inside as well fixing her make up. Y/N got some tissues and started drying her clothes when the woman turned around. 'Y/N?' She lifted her head confused how the woman knew her name and her eyes widened when she realised who it was. 



Hi again

Oooooo shit hit the fannnnnn


Thanks for readingggg :)))))

(Yes I am fully aware that I should be in lesson right now but I'm not listening to my maths teacher at 9 in the morning :) so ha she can fuck her self with her right nostril)

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