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As the two girls were finishing up, Y/N saw saw a familiar face. The colour drained from her face as if she had seen a ghost. Yuxin noticed and moved closer to her and shook her a little. 'Y-Yuxin' Y/N was shaking uncontrollably and couldn't stop. 'Hey I'm here. Shh, you're gonna be okay.' Yuxin held the shaken girl who was crying into her chest. 'Let's get out of here.' Yuxin slowly stood up and left the hall swiftly with Y/N to avoid drawing attention. 

Both girls headed for the roof where Y/N calmed down but didn't let go of Yuxin. They both sat on a bench in complete silence. Yuxin rested her head on Y/N's while stroking it gently. Y/N soon fell asleep but Yuxin didn't mind. She gently moved Y/N's head onto her lap for her to be more comfortable and thought to herself what could've made Y/N act like that.

She was interrupted by Keran running in front of her. 'What happened? I saw you leave and Y/N was crying, is she okay?' Keran's voice was filled with concern. She thought of Y/N as a younger sister even though they hadn't know each other for long. She couldn't bare to see her upset. Yuxin told her she had no idea what happen but Y/N fell asleep after calming down. Keran sat down beside Yuxin and watched aeroplanes paint the sky with their white trails. 

'Did she eat properly?' Keran asked and Yuxin nodded. 'You okay?' Yuxin sighed and shook her head. 'I hate seeing her like this. She was fine one minute and the next she's shaking like crazy and the colour from her face disappeared within seconds. It happened when we were younger a lot as well. I'm just tryna think what could've caused that to happen and if I could've stopped it from happening.'

Keran spent the next few hours listening to Yuxin talk about her youth with Y/N and how much she meant to her. Occasionally Y/N would move around or tense and squeeze Yuxin's hand but Yuxin calmed her down. Eventually she woke up and looked around in a bit of a panic. The sun was setting and the warm colours hitting Yuxin's face settled her down. Y/N rubbed her eyes a bit and noticed Keran sitting on the other side of Yuxin. 'Hi Keran. When did you get here?' Y/N quietly mumbled. 

Keran smiled and told her that she had been there a while. Y/N's eyes widened 'I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to keep you here. How long was I asleep for? I'm so sorry. I just wasted all of your time. I shouldn't have fallen asleep.' Y/N buried her face in her hands, stood up and walked away from Yuxin and Keran. Yuxin tried to reach for Y/N but she walked away to quickly. Y/N stopped by the edge of the roof, resting her arms on the edge. 'She's back.'



Felt nice so I updated another chpater.

Night everyoneeeee

Thanks for readingggg :)))

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