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'Ok so the first trainees for each group are in their classrooms and ready to pick. Can the first trainee please come up and see which group chooses you.' Chen Jue stood up and was picked by Xiaotang. After Xue'er joined How Can I Look So Good team A leaving a stroppy Jiaqi sulking. Kun had an idea and decided to switch things up. 'Let's try something..' He quickly ran over to a member of the camera crew and asked him to randomly pick a trainee. Kun nodded and returned with a sly smile. 

'Y/N stand to be chosen.' Y/N jumped in her seat and looked at Handong in confusion. 'What's happening?' She muttered quietly while slowly standing up. She looked up at the screen and saw everyone who felt just as Y/N did but jumped up nevertheless. She was taken a back by how most people stood up. She saw Anqi and Fan arguing, Shuxin jumping up and down crazily while blocking Xi'ai. Keyin had her arms open and stood close to the camera. Xiaotang and Keni were wrestling each other making everyone laugh. Xuan had stood up and smiled brightly at the camera but Jiaqi stayed seated while shaking her head. 

Y/N figured because she thought that she wouldn't choose that song. Her eyes fell on the bottom right box where she saw a puzzled Yuxin. She was standing and beckoning for Y/N to come to her. She saw her smile and blushed while hiding her face. She heard awes and gasps from everyone around her. 

'Almost everyone's standing for her...'

'I feel so jealous...'

'Can I be picked like this...?'

'Who is she going to pick...?'

Y/N looked over to Kun before sitting back down. 'It's not fair for me to go before everyone that's ranked higher than me. Thank you.' Kun was surprised and gave her an impressed look. 'Very well then. Can the next trainee please stand?' The forming of the groups continued and soon it was Y/N's turn again. She looked around to still see many trainees who hadn't been picked, Jade included. Kun quickly tried to hurry along with placing Y/N into a group as he could see her starting to get tense. 

Y/N looked back up to the screens and once again saw confused faces. Most trainees were asking where she had went and why she was standing again but dismissed it, standing up. The trainees with full teams complained to the staff while the remaining trainees stood, Yuxin included. She looked over at Kun before bowing and rushing off to find the classrooms. She had to choose between Anqi and Yuxin. She stood in the middle of the hallway with both groups on either side. She heard someone call her from behind her and saw Keran walk up behind her. 

'I'm guessing you're stuck on which group to pick.' Y/N squatted down with her head in her hands. 'I don't know. I like both songs. They're both styles I haven't tried. I don't know KeKee. I don't want the others feelings.' Keran laughed slightly and sat down in front of her. 'What was your first pick.' Y/N looked over to the sign on her right. 'Go to that one then.' Y/N stood up and huffed. She apologised loudly and ran over to her choice before flinging open the door.




I am drowning in painkillers

Someone please donate nico nico knee caps


Thanks for readingggg :))))

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