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Lisa walked into the classroom and the trainees all got to their feet before bowing. 'Morning girls.  How are you finding the dance?' Most trainees started their complaining but Y/N just looked around slightly confused. 'It's too hard! So tiring! I haven't slept! I've lost so much weight!' Lisa looked over to Y/N who remained quiet. 'Y/N what do you think?' 

'I don't get these guys. I don't think it's that bad.' Lisa looked slightly confused while Yuxin just smiled watching the scene in front of her. Y/N's slightly lost expression while Lisa was impressed but slightly concerned. 'Yuxin, your the other centre right? How are you finding it?' Yuxin smiled and simply replied that it was the dance that so far she felt the most comfortable with. 

The mentor felt slightly relieved that the centres had a positive attitude towards the performance. They started showing their performances one by one so that Lisa could comment on them and tell them where to improve. 'Okay guys. I think it's time. Let's have some battles.' Fan whined while many trainees were scared but Y/N and Yuxin looked at each other. 'This isn't gonna end well for anyone.' Yuxin said while she slung her arm around Y/N's waist. The trainees quickly moved to one side of the room. 

'Okay first let's see Yuxin and Fan.' At her words the younger girl let out a cry of fear. 'I'M DEAD.' Everyone around her started laughing as she dragged herself to her starting position. The battle started and Fan's nerves were showing but she tried her hardest to give a fierce performance. Yuxin let the dance and vibe of the song come naturally. She was effortlessly sexy and powerful, just like a lion. 

'Yuxin is a lion I never wanna get on the bad side of.' Wei Chen said behind Y/N. 'I've seen the evolution of Yuxin as a lion. I gave her a nickname when we were younger. She's always been like this.' The younger girl shuffled forwards and asked what the nickname was. 'Xinba.' Both girls laughed and Lisa announced the next battle.

'Anqi and Wei Chen come up please.' Y/N wished them good luck and watched their performance. Next went Shujan and Daimeng which was interesting as they were both fierce in their own ways. 'Yu Yan and Y/F/N.' They got up and quickly high fived before getting into position. Lisa watched carefully and looked more than pleased when they had finished. 

'Your style is very similar but I think Y/N has the slight upper hand. Yan your facial expressions were perfect like always but I think Y/N conveyed the feeling of the song more. You have definitely picked competent centres. I'm sorry for making you battle twice but can we have the centres for the last battle.' Y/N and Yuxin stood in the centre while getting ready to start. 'Lisa, I'm gonna say this now. You will have trouble picking a winner.' Fan said making the centres chuckle. 

The music started and they gave their best performances. At the end Lisa looked dumbfounded. 'Lin Fan I understand why you said that. You are the most evenly matched trainees on this show. Finding a winner here is impossible. There are some areas where Yuxin's better like the strength required but then Y/N has a stronger connection with the audience while performing. It's clear that this song is a perfect match for both of you but in different ways.' She sat back with her hands on her head while looking at the trainees.

'I can't pick.' She said to the staff who just laughed. 'Don't laugh this is hard.' She said with a pout making everyone in the room laugh along with the staff. 'Well. It's a draw but you guys keep up the good work. I'll see you next time.' After Lisa left, Y/N huffed and sat on the floor. 'What's up?' Yuxin asked while ruffling her hair. 'There's never a winner with us two. It's starting to get annoying.' She laughed making Yuxin smile. The rest of the team took a quick 15 minute break before starting the rehearsals again with the changes that Lisa had pointed out.



Nirvana (Liu Yuxin x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα