Chapter seventy six

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The tall figure turned around, facing the young boy he had known for years now. His long dread hair was tinted into gold all through. The spider tattoo on his arm clearly visible as a result of the harmless he was putting on. His piercing ears had long, dropping earrings, specially made for women. His crazy jeans wasn't looking like a normal one with how his two thighs were visible. The extent the jean material was ripped was too much. The moment Sholly saw the figure who turned, he became excited, starting to greet with one of his hands up and the other one holding a bottle of star. "Bro for life! Why didn't you come in and have something. Are you giving up on this life."

Mark was too serious to reply him the way he would have. He looked at Sholly. "I thought you received a call from someone to come out?"

The hand Sholly held up came down. "Something like that, but no one is here anyways."

"Shhhhhh!" Mark whispered with his right index finger on his mouth. "I'm here."

Sholly wasn't really surprised. He seemed to have been ready for everything Mark was about to say. When Mark looked away for some seconds, Sholly turned his head towards a dark corner and smiled a little. He looked prepared, which Mark didn't seem to notice.

"How would you get out if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit?" Mark asked. "Is your father a king who will save you no matter what? Or your father is an influential man who will give you any amount to settle your debt? Or your father is the junior brother to the governor of a state who will help his brother with anything whatsoever it will cost?" Mark smirked. "No Sholly. Your father is a retired teacher who has no connection with the upper hands who can save his son at a snap of his fingers." Mark paused and lifted up a black bag. "Sholly, this is why I want to give you this two million naira just to set Ire up as the murderer."

"What!" Sholly stepped back upon hearing that. He tried his best not to shout. He took a quick look at Mark wondering if he had gone insane. Shocked written all over his face. He looked directly at Mark. "I thought he's a brother to you. Why? Why would you do that to him?"

"Because mistakenly, a girl took an overdose from my cocaine and now she's dead. How is that my fault? She killed herself, and the only person whose father can save me is Ire's father. Make Ire the victim and his so called protective father will bring him out of  the mess in a twinkle of an eye." Mark said, very sure of his statement. He stared at Sholly who stood completely lost. "Hey, are you doing it or I should find myself someone else? I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Take this." Mark stretched the bag of money towards Sholly who stood dumbfounded for some seconds.

"All you have to do is, make sure he is dead drunk. Out of this world, and drugged. Make him be with a lady tonight. All you need to get and do for me are the clothes the lady puts on. It will be replaced as the dead girl's own, who will be thrown inside a pool. And for the lady Ire would be with, there won't be any traces of her leaving his room. Just leave that for me. Exactly one in the morning when you guys set to leave, the death of the lady will be announced. And remember, whoever Ire would be with, people must see her with him so that when the clothes are replaced on the dead girl, he would be accused of killing. Make sure he creates a scene. A fair girl to be precised. Should I trust you?"

Sholly collected the bag of money and stepped back. He nodded and assured Mark he would do so as planned. But then, Sholly spotted a lady who seemed to have taken in some of the things they said because of how she immediately reacted after being spotted by Sholly. Very fair, and extremely beautiful. Sholly kept quiet and watched how she looked away and immediately made her presence known, walking towards Mark. "Have been looking for you babe," she kissed his cheeks, acting like nothing happened, but a little bit scared. She looked in between them. "Hope all is well?"

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