Chapter 24

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They made their way into the hall with Prince Ire holding hands with Ara. Ara smiled and muttered. "I feel really special tonight. Thanks to you." She chuckled slowly, looking down at their hands joined together. "The book as well. I'm on my way to know the dick from the real. I hope something is written about gentle and closed off guys too. I would love to know the kind of persons they are. Hmm..." Ara whispered and coughed, causing Prince Ire to finally look at her with a quick smile that lasted longer this time.

"You are really naughty actually. I've not read the book, but if you are interested in knowing more about gentle guys, there should be a book for that too. I mean books, cause their personality can't contain a book. They are more than just their looks. As in, we are more than just our looks." He threw a wink at Ara getting a blush from her.

Ara laughed and coughed. She couldn't help staring at Prince Ire as they walked together. He looked so relax, so free and extremely handsome whenever he grace his face with one of his smiles. He was putting on another black suit today and it fitted so well. Ara noticed he did something to his hair which had some nice and few curls. It gave him a different look, but not until she noticed he was putting on a round shinning white ear stud magnet on his left ear which gave him a bad boy look. Ara smiled and coughed again, realizing she was yet to reply the Prince. What's her own with books? She wasn't done reading the one with her, now books. "Hmm..." She cleared her throat. Ara knew exactly how to escape. Turning to Prince Ire with one of her magnetic smiles, she said. "I just remembered I have a book like that at home. I will just wait till I can get my hands on it."

Both knew that was a big lie.

Prince Ire laughed getting few people stared unbelievably.

Clutching her purse tightly with her heart beating really fast. Derin almost fainted when she saw Her Ire standing next to a beauty who looked totally into him. Her eyes were soaked in tears that she couldn't take what she was seeing. Is this why he has not been picking my calls? Ehnn! A tear rolled down from Derin's eyes that she couldn't understand what was happening to her, but she immediately dab her handkerchief on her face so as not mess up her make up. She intentionally forced the governor down there so she could see him when she heard he was in Abuja. Derin finally released her hands from her purse and brought out her phone. She immediately dialed the number that sited on her recent call log every blessed day.

"Bisi, I thought you said Ire hasn't move on. Why is he here with someone?"

"Oh! One extremely fair girl like this. Tall with big hips. I heard she's very pretty. That's the girl that just started working for him. I've not met her yet, but someone from the palace told me. Don't worry, I will do all the findings when I get back to the palace nextweek. Just call Ire yourself."

Still watching both Ara and Prince Ire together as she talked on phone. The description Bisi gave Derin made her eye Ara with hatred and was instantly consumed with jealousy because it was all true. With her voice already shaking, Derin replied. "I told you he stopped picking my calls one month ago. He won't reply my text, my chats and all the Dm I sent to him." Derin was finally crying. "I miss him. What should I do?"

Bisi hissed, a bit annoyed. "What's with the cry! I told you when you were signing that stupid contract. But I know he's not the kind of guy that jumps into girl that easily. Besides, that girl is far from someone Ire can date. She's not even in school yet. She's just one illiterate with a Goddamn body. Stop dreaming of nonsense and stop crying like an infant please."

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