Chapter 36

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They sat in silence as Prince Ire drove with low speed. He wanted to talk but he wasn't sure if she was ready to listen. His thought was full of Aramade, but he didn't know what to say. He had never felt this way before. Where he suddenly doesn't know what to say, what to do, or how to face someone. Ara's eyes were glued to the car window beside her that she didn't even bother to spare Prince Ire a glance at all. Her little cry made him feel uneasy. He wanted to hug her, to apologise. To tell her he was sorry. To kiss her tears away. To tell her he didn't mean to make her cry at all. He accepted she made her feel bad. But if he hadn't said that, he knew what senator could do. He was a close friend of his Dad. He could call his Dad and tell him what he saw. He didn't want that.

If his Dad dare to know he liked Ara, first and foremost, he would take Ara's job away from her. Then send her out of the palace. He knew Ara was saving up for her education and many things she had not share with him yet. He knew she was an hardworking girl who preferred to hustle for what she wanted. She doesn't deserve the cruelty of rich men. And lastly, Prince Ire knew his Dad would forbid him from seeing Ara or going near her at all. Sometimes, Prince Ire wished he had a simpler life rather than a life he was being monitored and told not to do lots of things.

Ara had finally stopped crying. "Please I would love to drop at that junction before you turn. I want to take a bus to oshodi to visit my mom and dad before going back to the palace." Ara pleaded.

Prince Ire didn't reply. He drove closely to where oshodi busses were parked before turning to Ara's direction. He remained quiet despite having so much to say.

"Thank you sir." Ara said quietly and made a move to open the car door but Prince Ire grabbed her hand. Very tightly. Her hand was softer in his hand, wishing he could hold it for long. He looked up at her.

"Ara, you can't just leave this way. You should at least hear me out." Prince Ire pleaded. "I like you Ara. I really like you. I've been stunned by you the very first day I met you. You are beautiful. You wowed me. Even after that, your character amazes me. Every man admires you. I want to really get to know you and give us a chance to have a beautiful relationship. I've been holding it for long but I can't just form the perfect guy and let you slip away. I want you."

Ara stared at his eyes. His eyes weren't lieing. They were blazing with admiration for her. He was being sincere. She could feel it. She could see it. She finally cast her beautiful eyes at him.

"It's easy to say. Just like you said it now." Ara's eyes were soaked with tears again. It was beautiful listening to him confessing how he felt. It was amazing having a man tell her that. But what happens after confessing? "It's easy to confess how much you like a person, but are you really ready for what comes with it? When you like a person and want to be with them, you need to be upfront and ready to face what comes with them. You can't say you like me, and watch people insult me." Ara finally let the tears out.

"You need to encourage who I am now to become a better person for you and for myself. Your words will go a long way to encourage me. How you defend me will convince me you really want to be with me and the people around me. Because Ire, liking or loving a person is not what every woman out there want to settle for. My family is there. My career is there. My present situation is there. This is what I look like. And that is what my family looks like too, but not what my future looks like. Will you love them too before my future comes? Will you encourage them too? Will you show them the same love you show me too. Will you respect this woman now before she finally looks like the woman the world thinks was made for you? If you can promise me that...I will be convinced. I know you will risk a lot to be with me. But I promise, I will be that woman every man will envy you for having." Ara finally removed her hand with ease, sending Prince Ire a small smile she managed to form to make him feel better because she knew he was fighting something too.

She switched to boss and worker immediately. After all, she wanted her job still. "Thanks a lot for today sir. I promise I will be back by morning. Safe driving." She reached for the car door and climbed down from the car.

The moment Ara got down, Prince Ire sat with all his thoughts wiped out. His hands were balled into a fist as he suddenly hit them on the car seat he sat on with his eyes closed. Damn! Ire get that girl. She's yours. He told himself before looking back to see Ara was still standing there. Oblivious of how she was being admired by people around her.

Ara dried her eyes and entered the bus going to oshodi. It would be nice to visit her home after a long time. To be sincere with herself, she had missed home. She had missed her mom, her dad, and would be lovely seeing Omoh again. She had missed the busy activities, noise, yelling, buzzing and various scenes of oshodi market. She walked through the busy road littered with dirts. Covered with clothes sellers, meat sellers, fruits sellers, okada riders and busses that it became difficult for pedestrians to walk. While she was still trying to hide her arm, a sweaty body hit her arm, walking away without uttering the word sorry. Ara wasn't bothered because it had happened to her many times. This was her home. Where she was brought up.

Reaching where okada riders parked, Ara called on one. "Orile. Hundred naira o. I get change." She immediately said before she sat on the bike. She doesn't want a case of getting to where she was going only to start shouting because of money.

Almost getting home, Ara decided to call Omoh's number but she wasn't picking. After four times of trying, she gave up. Ara paid the okada man and walked towards the building before her. The building was the same. The cream colour painting were still peeling with the wall. The cemented ground which had cracked in many places were still there. The landlady's shop was filled up with her drinkard customers already. With usual noise coming from her shop. Hip hop songs giving life to young boys who gladly sit at the front of the house just to listen and sing along. As usual, the well at the corner outside the building was surrounded by mama chichi and her two sons who just came back from the market too. They were known for fetching their water late at night as they go in back and forth.

The moment Ara was noticed from afar, people started greeting her.

"Aunty Ara."

"Ara bawo ni? Oto ojo meta."

"Ekale ma." Ara greeted everyone who welcomed her, walking towards their own apartment. The moment Ara got to their door, it was already opened. By her mom who stood at the door staring at her.


Finally 😊 we have an update. I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who called me, left me messages on WhatsApp, Facebook, Wattpad, emails and even sent direct messages to me through my phone no. Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the love.
Thanks for waiting patiently for this update 😁
I will make up for the days I couldn't update ijn. I promise 🤗

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