Chapter 68

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Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy or stupid. Those things happen when you don't have a plan.
                                Larry Winget.


The past. Should be left behind us. Should be forgotten. Should never be discussed. It's something I don't wanna talk about, think about, or like to remember. The past should be in my past. Prince Ire told himself many times. Yes, he was right. Yes, that was good for him. He did confess the right words. But no matter what, there are certain set of people who should know where we are coming from and where we are heading to. Those people who has proven to stay in our lives.

Many times, relationships are broken because the partner finds out something hidden and dangerous about the person he or she wants to spend the rest of his or her life with... All because they decided not to share that part of themselves to each other. All because they were trying to keep such persons to themselves. But no matter what, we can't force people to stay in our lives. If they want to, they will. They won't just stay, but also support us and give their best at all time. If after revealing our fears and they are still willing to stay, it's really a blessing meeting someone who really has faith in where we are heading to and not our past.

But many times, once the truth is out, the woman realise it's something she can't handle. The man realise it's something he can't dive into or strong enough to handle. As a result of that, they split and sometimes, things get complicated.

Both Aramade and Prince Ire sat down together. She had refused to talk to him despite his plead. She felt really bad that he wasn't willing to share anything with her. She had told him about her breakup, shared many of her past with him, yet he wasn't ready to reciprocate.

"Babe..." Prince Ire tried to touch Ara's hand but she quickly moved her hand away. She rolled her eyes at him and slowly looked away. That was the result that came with ignoring her. She was not a little child who couldn't tell what happened day before. He ignored her. He refused to pick her calls when she tried calling too. He refused to reply her text. At a point, his phone was switched off. Now, he wanted to talk to her. This time around, Ara told herself it wouldn't be easy getting her attention.

Prince Ire kept his hand back, staring at her. He decided to try again, this time not touching her. "Babe, stop being mad at me." He said quietly, but Ara acted like she wasn't listening to him. Part of her wanted to talk and reply him. She felt the sadness in his voice from the way he was trying to get her attention. She couldn't guess what the story could be that he wasn't ready to share. Despite her willingness to hear him out, she tried her best to act like she was oblivious of him. While still pleading, Aramade concentrated on her food before Prince Ire reached foward and pushed her food aside hoping to get her attention. "Babe, talk to me. How was your exam?"

Ara finally looked up from her food. She was too hungry, and wasn't ready to keep quiet about that.

"Common babe," Prince Ire threw her a wink, smiling, hoping that would get Ara to smile but she didn't. "You need stop acting like Omolade and act like a grown up. You don't need this."

Ara pushed her food closer but ended up smiling a little before looking up at Prince Ire again. Acting like her sister? Aramade shook her head. This restaurant wouldn't contain them cause they will end up sending them out of the place. Ara rolled her eyes at Prince Ire. "You don't know what you are talking about," she said. "My sister would have jumped on you and make you act like a mad man. Abi is not Omolade."

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