Chapter 25

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"Why have you been disturbing me with calls?"

Derin looked up at Prince Ire almost in tears. She touched his cheek like she would have done when they were still together. Now she regretted leaving him alone. She missed his smile, his laughter, how he allowed her to tease him playing the victim. How he loved her with so much passion and how he would always forgive her no matter what she did. Now, she felt like life had gone out of her. She missed his touch. She missed him so much. Derin suddenly burst into tears, hugging Prince Ire with all of her strength. "I miss you babe. I really miss you. Why have you stopped picking my calls? Did I offend you? Tell me so I can apologize. I came to Abuja the moment I heard you are here."

"Derin." Prince Ire gently released her hands from his waist. Before, he would have kissed away her tears and captured her lips to say sorry. He would have hugged her from behind kissing her neck to feel all of her. He would have allowed those hands to hit him if the owner was mad at him even if she was at fault. He would have kissed the hell out her even before she says jack! But not anymore. Even though it was hard, not anymore. Even though he desperately wanted to have her, not anymore. She was someone else's woman now. He would respect that. Prince Ire moved back a bit. "I'm not comfortable with us being--"

"Baby trust me..." Derin quickly said. "Look at me. He does not touch me at all. All I get to do is just appear with him anywhere he's going. This is just a contract that will end in four years. Then we can get married babe. Babe if you miss me, we can just do it somewhere here." She brought Prince Ire's hands on her breasts.

Prince Ire slowly moved his hands away. "Derin stop it." It was hard for him, but he couldn't do anything stupid. "Because I agreed with us remaining friends doesn't mean I want this with you. We came back to Nigeria together and you broke up with me Derin. You didn't explain to me that you signed a contract with one governor who couldn't show off his uneducated wife and decided to snatch someone else's girlfriend. What am I even saying... You agreed to it because of the money he's gonna give you."

"Baby I did it for us."

"Are you kidding me right now! Fuck that!" Prince Ire yelled, suddenly angry by her statement. "Do I look like a broke guy! Do I look like I want his money? Do I look like a greedy guy or what do you fucking mean!"

Derin started crying. "Babe you are scaring me. I'm sorry." She hugged Prince again.

"Hmm..." It was Caroline. She had been looking for Prince Ire and finally saw him outside the hall at a secluded corner with Derin clutching her hands tightly round her cousin. "Hi Derin," she greeted without a smile. "I hope you are taking care of Governor so well. When I heard, I was really happy for you. God bless your home. I'm glad you've moved on." Caroline forced a smile. Now facing Prince Ire. "Your girlfriend has been complaining of headache so I volunteered to look for you. You should check up on her before it becomes serious."

"Girlfriend?" Derin muttered completely lost, staring at Prince Ire's face for answers but he wasn't looking at her.

Prince Ire raised his brow at his cousin. You know that girl is not my girlfriend.

Stupid lover boy. She loves money more than you. The old man isn't touching her and she needs your prick. Caroline raised the upper part of her mouth before spreading it quickly into a smile at Prince Ire. "I'm glad you've moved on too cousin. Happy for you both. That's how it should be. I should go now." Caroline said with a forced smile. The moment she turned, she spoiled her mouth and eyed Derin from the picture in her head wishing she had threw some slaps on her ugly cheeks.

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