Chapter 55

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Aramade couldn't stop laughing as the two were sharing their thoughts on how they felt about each other before things kicked off. They sat comfortably on the bed enjoying their time together. "Wait," Ara said. "Are you saying you heard everything I said the day your brother was taking us to the airport?"

"Clean, clean!!" Prince Ire laughed. Suddenly showing Ara another side of him she'd never seen. This time, his laugh was loud and rough. So cute like a baby. He seemed to be totally carried away by the conversation. "That day, I wasn't listening to songs. I almost laughed when you lied that you were unpacking to pack your things well. Babe your lies are too fragile ehnn. I was actually with the letters that day, and I knew that was what you were looking for."

Ara couldn't help laughing. She found it very hard to believe Prince Ire's confession. "OMG! Kill me! No! I will kill you instead." Ara pounced on Prince Ire. Those times she thought she never existed or was not even noticed by him was just an act. Somehow, Ara loved the fact that she had been on his mind for quite a long time. She loved the fact that she gave him restless nights.

Her reaction towards his confession made Prince Ire laugh so hard and end up making fun of her. "Miss calm down," he said, grabbing her two hands with his strong hands. Then moved his hands to her waist holding her tightly. "You think that's the worst thing I did to you already." He confessed again.

Upon hearing that, Aramade paused. "Don't tell me you read it? Oh, jeez! I hate you Ire. I hate you, I hate you big time!" She pounced on him again.

Prince Ire dodge all the punches she threw at him. "Common babe, what type of market is that?" Prince Ire asked. "You think I stole it for keeping sake or what?" Prince Ire grinned, enjoying the fun he was having. "You see that letters, I read mine more than five times. You seem to be a good writer."

Ara returned back to her position laughing. The way Prince Ire talks made her smile and laugh most times. "But how do you know when I tell a lie? Like, you seem to know but you always allow me to keep fooling myself. It's embarrassing sometimes."

Prince Ire grinned. "What do you expect from a skillful, competent gynecologist."

Ara rolled her eyes. "Please,,,please... don't come with that one please." Then she laughed, consumed by her feelings for Prince Ire. She couldn't hide the fact that his smiles made her kneels weak. The way he looked at her made her blush and completely overwhelmed with love. The love she never knew could blossom so quickly. 

"Lol, look at you," Prince Ire said. "Actually, it's very easy when it comes to you. You are very emotional and you put your emotions in almost everything. When you are sad, happy, in good terms with someone and when you are telling the truth. So, it's easy to know when you lie because there is always that lack of emotions and avoiding of eyes."

"Oshey! Skillful, competent doctor!" Ara teased getting her nose squeezed by Prince Ire.

"I will eat your mouth," Prince Ire joked.

Ara grinned and ended up laughing a little. She gave Prince Ire a quick look before replying. "What do you expect from a doctor that likes food. Everything is eatable."

That got Prince Ire laughing. Ara didn't get what he meant, so he dropped it. "Sign of good living please."

"Of course," Aramade replied. "Your big mouth is the result of the good living."

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