Chapter 9

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Ara lazily opened her eyes to the shinning light coming from the big bulb above her head. She closed her eyes back. She could feel the soft pillow underneath her head wet. Has she cried? She wondered. Suddenly, she remembered what happened to her last night. The slap brought a big shame to her feet. She held no grudge with the first Queen, accepting what she did was bad. She treated the Queen's visitor poorly. She decided she would have to go back to the Queen and give her a proper apology different from the one she gave her in the hall.

Ara traced her left hand down to her stomach. She was hungry. Hunger could not let her enjoy her sleep. While she was being called on by Sewa to eat, she gave an excuse that she was taking a shower which was not so.

"You and this shower!" Sewa had said to her, knowing the shower excuse was a big lie from Ara. Sewa knew it was because of what happened, but she hope Ara wouldn't continue that way especially with the way the first Queen was embarrassed because of her. They waited for Ara still, hoping she would eventually join them but Ara never did. Grace who also felt for Ara tried knocking on Ara's door but never came a response because Ara was already asleep. She slept off crying.

Ara moved out of her bed, adjusting her eyes to the bright light. She sat on the bed, yawning, without forgetting to quickly lift up her left hand, dabbing it on her mouth till she was done yawning. Ara was the type that would wake up during midnight anytime she forgot to eat her supper. She was never a foodie, but never love skipping her meals.

It took her time to adjust to the bright light because she was used to waking up to a small light from her kennede model touch at home. Life in the palace was in a long way different from her life at home. Instead of sitting her feet on a cold hard ground, she felt the same soft rug she became familiar with hours ago loving up her warm feet.

Ara realized she was still in her black gown, but then she was too thirsty and hungry to change. She walked out of her room to a dim light coming from the sitting room they all used. She passed through the spacious sitting room, heading towards the kitchen, hoping she could really see something to eat. Many times, Ara's mom had warned her to always eat her supper no matter what to save herself from the stress she was now going through in the midnight at the second Prince Quarters.

Ara walked in, dragging her tired body into the kitchen whose light was totally off.

"Sleep walking around the house?"

Ara's eyes shut open in the dark. She had become familiar with the voice too well already.

Ara could see the figure standing before her, resting his back on the cabinet peacefully sitting on the kitchen tiles. She found the switch enjoying the coldness of the wall and flicked it on, bringing every corner to light. Prince Ire who was watching Ara in the dark before, looked away like he was engrossed with something else.

Ara finally replied, not giving a damn of who she was standing with. She just didn't like the way he spoke to her. "I guess the same act brought you here as well," She said, referring to the first statement Prince Ire said.

Adedamire didn't react to the tone of her voice at all. Instead, he lazily stretched out his muscles, making it difficult for the eyes Ara thought was feeling sleepy to slowly admire his strong muscles, his well defined six packs, and his strong body as a man. Ara looked away and walked towards the fridge to get herself a cold bottle of water but Prince Ire stopped her pointing to a half bottle of water sitting carelessly on the cabinet. Ara gave him a look. She was suddenly not scared of him. "That's not cold," she said. "Besides, someone else took that."

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