Chapter 20

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"My friend, can't you see that palace is a beautiful place to stay."

Ara hugged her friend tightly, smiling really hard that she couldn't contain her excitement. "Seriously girl, it's really so beautiful. I'm floating right now. Floating as in floating." She tightened her hands round her friend more.

Ara's friend spoilt her mouth, sounding like she was almost in tears. "Awnn... I want to float with you. Should I come?"


"Hmm..." Ara muttered in her sleep.

"Hey, you should wake up."

"No....not yet."

"Okay, let me go then."

"Hmm...ehnn!" Ara slowly opened her eyes seeing the unexpected. If she had mentioned floating in her dream, then truly, she was floating. But on what? If she had thought she was hugging her friend in her dream, then reality just dawn on her. Staring down at her was Prince Ire with his brow up. Quickly, Ara got the message. She immediately withdrew her hand, sitting upright. Her butt sinking into the couch that wasn't as soft as when she laid on it to sleep. She couldn't believe she had been hugging Prince Ire's waist thinking she was hugging her friend. Gosh! What stupid dream can cause.  She rolled, stretched and rolled and rolled until...

"Ouch!" She had hit her butt on the soft rug. Ara cried out, causing Prince Ire to just roll his eyes at her. She wondered why she was still able to roll knowing the couch wasn't as big as that. It was then Ara realized she fell from a giant bed that was tall enough for someone to climb to reach the roof of the hotel. She was expecting Prince Ire to at least say sorry, but instead, he just stared at her. "You sleep too much. This is 5am already. You should be up on your feet."

Up what! Are you kidding me! 5am to do what exactly? Ara thought in her mind. She actually thought it was eight in the morning. Why would he wake up so early when he isn't going to work? Hey Ara, he doesn't even have one. Ara thought because she had not seen him leave for work in few days she had spent in the palace. Ara looked up at his wet hair, realizing Prince Ire had his bath already. He was dressed in a black jean and a blue polo watching news. That was what Ara could never sit and watch with someone. Goddamn news where everyone is watching zeeworld, Telemundo, or even Africa magic.

"I just brought you on the bed an hour ago when when I woke up." Prince Ire explained, checking some papers beside him.

Ara looked at him a bit surprise. "You mean you've been awake since 4am?" Doing what? Aren't you tired from yesterday's journey? Ara didn't say that out. Prince Ire shot her a look, but decided to just reply her.

"My work does not permit me to sleep like that," he said.

"Hmm... You work?"

This time Prince Ire didn't reply, getting Ara to realize she was talking too much already. Prince Ire took a paper out of the papers he was searching and got up with his phone. He dropped his atm card on the bed, facing Ara. "I want a suit and a pair of shoes I will be wearing today. Everything shouldn't be more than twenty thousand naira. You should probably see nice shoes of 8k, 10k and a better suit for 10k as well."

Ara wanted to laugh but swallowed it. "Sir, are you buying new one with 20k or I better pass my neighbour?"

"I better pass my neighbour?" Prince Ire repeated looking confused. That sounded local to him. "What's that? I'm just hearing that for the first time. Just get me something nice. And I don't think I want that with the way the pronunciation sounds."

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