Chapter seventy two

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A bright morning could have made some certain set of people smiled, excited, eager, expectant, or intentionally grateful to try more things. Go out, have fun, start their business, or hang out. These reasons weren't completed, because some set of people woke up and they wanted the day to come to an end. At this point, Prince Ire didn't just want the day to come to an end, but days of running here and there to put an end to his blackmailers and be able to live again. To finally not think of anyone plotting evil against him anymore. He thought it was some prank and could end in no time, but it look longer than he expected.

A black venza stood separately from other cars that were parked. The moment it was driven in, it was parked not far away from the entrance, where everyone either going in or coming out could be seen. Prince Ire had intentionally left the palace early to beat the traffic. He could remember Ara telling him she had just one paper everyday. After what his Dad told him, he knew he needed to see Moyin, and before that could happen, he needed to see the flier Moyin gave them which was with Aramade. Prince Ire knew once he had seen his church, he could visit there anytime on Sunday to see him. He decided to take one of his brother's car instead, knowing Ara would recognise his and he didn't want her to know he was around first.

Prince Ire rested on the driver's seat, relaxing. While doing so, he didnt forget to keep his eyes fixed on the door to be the first person to see Aramade while making her way out. When he got there, he was told the exam had started few minutes before his arrival. For up to forty five minutes, Prince Ire sat in the car waiting, watching, and rehearsing all he planned to say. His only prayer was for Ara to be kind enough to hear him out. He wanted her to be fine, but sincerely, he had not been fine not talking to her. He had not been in his right senses not getting to chat or see her. Those tears had not been able to get out of his mind. Her face, the disappointment in her eyes had put him in so much worry.

Forgetting the fact that he wanted he flier, deep down, he wanted to see her, feel her, touch her, get a chance to kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. How her smile moved hearts. How she drove him crazy. How she took the whole of his mind, heart with her. He kept watching, and watching. He had never loved a girl the way he loved Ara. He had never wanted to protect a girl the way he wanted to protect Ara. Ire you are crazy about this girl mhen! What has she done to you guy! You want her safe right? So leave. You could always find another way to get to Moyin okay! He said, trying to convince himself, but his heart was too occupied with thoughts of seeing her. 

You are here, so cut the crap and see her! Isn't that what you want? Prince Ire said to himself again and closed his eyes for some seconds thinking about those times they fought for food. The day she fell from the bed, pretending to be down with cough. Those days she lied and he knew but kept quiet and just enjoyed watching her. He smiled. Her craziness had been way too much that he was crazy with all of her. Her smiles, her jokes, her unnecessary laughter, the way she called him mumu... The thought made him chuckle. He agreed Ara was naughty. The way she comfortably whined him... The day he joined her to wash her clothes. That thoughts made Prince Ire stared at his two hands that never did something like that since his birth. Things we do for love, or may be things we put ourselves through for love. He chuckled at the thought as well. It was too full of emotions for him to keep thinking about their moments together. Prince Ire instantly stopped himself from getting too distracted.

Twenty more minutes, the quiet compound was starting to become noisy.

'It was as if I knew that question would come out.' A young girl said and laughed.

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