Chapter 19

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Ara didn't know she was hungry until twenty minutes ago. She drank the rest of the apple juice and immediately, the table was cleared the moment they were done eating. The people were accurate with their eyes on their customers. Hehe...what do I expect with how expensive everything is here. Ara cleaned her mouth only to look up and saw Prince Ire staring at her with toast bread in his mouth. She wondered if she actually ate so fast or was the Prince looking at something else. Ara turned to her back but saw nothing except from a lovely couple smiling and teasing each other. Ara smiled. It was sweet watching them for few seconds.

"Hmm..." Ara cleared her voice getting Prince Ire's attention. "Thank you sir. I enjoyed the meal."

Prince Ire nodded. Dropped the rest of his toast bread and pressed the bell attached at the side of the table. "Table 13," he said. His voice barely came out that Ara wondered if the people actually heard, but instantly, a smiling waiter was standing next to their table already.

"Done eating sir?"

"Yea. Just serve me a chocolate cake and ice cream. And when I'm leaving, I would love you to pack me one extravaganza pizza. Any fruit wine that is not expensive. If you have Valeta. That's not expensive. What about you?" Prince Ire turned to Ara who brought her two hands up, shaking it along with her head as if she had no mouth.

"Sis, you need a dessert. You gonna love what we have here. I'm sure you enjoyed the meal."

Ara just gave the waiter a nod. She was filled already. She wasn't expecting the Prince to order anything again after all they ate. Though the Prince didn't finish the toast bread he ordered, but he ate most of it. She didn't know what to think, wondering how the Prince was going to eat all that again? After the cake and whatever he had ordered, he ordered another one to go with again. Ara realized the waiter was still standing, busy smiling at her. She knew it was his job to always smile at customers, but it would be nice to not fustrate him because he must be tired doing that all day. Ara forced a small smile on her lips. "Thanks. I'm just fine. Besides, we are still here for some time."

"Okay then." The waiter left.

And immediately, Ara said again. "Thank you sir."

"That's the fifth time you gonna thank me. If you don't want me paying for your bill till we leave here, just tell me." Prince Ire said, looking up at Ara who suddenly became dumbfounded.

Huh! Her expression almost made the Prince laugh but he decided to bone his face instead, looking unaffected when he wanted to laugh so hard at Ara's scared face.

Ara you see what thank you, thank you has caused you! Where do you want to get that amount of money everyday to eat? My friend, just shut your mouth like that and think of something to say.

"Yea...em... I mean..." Ara stammered. "I mean thank you for offering me a dessert but I'm actually filled up."

Prince Ire nodded, smiling in his mind. He was only teasing her actually. His cake and ice cream was brought to the table, but he looked up at Ara instead. "So you threw away the complimentary card. Senator is actually gonna take care of you. You could even stop working for me. Have your house, car and get yourself schooling outside the country just like you wanted. I mean all these French thing and becoming a translator in a twinkle of an eye. He's gonna really spend on you. All you gonna have to do is just sleep with him and you get all the life you want. What do you think?"

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