Chapter seventy four

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Prince Ire grabbed Princess Adebisi's hand, turning her to him immediately she tried to leave as well. The two siblings stared at each other. No single word uttered for few seconds. They might not really like each other, but sometimes, they acted like true siblings because the blood of the same father run through their veins.  "Why are you here?"

Princess Adebisi snatched her hand away. "What? She told me to tag along. Any problem? Who knew you attend church programme as well."

"Are you two this close? I thought Derin was your very close friend."

"Until she became the wife of a governor. You think the first lady has time to get drunk and live carelessly again?" Princess Adebisi replied. "I heard you asked her who she told when she came to disturb your outing with your hmm...the other day. Your ex girlfriend since you broke up." She didn't want to mention Ara and it was so glaring that she didn't spare her a glance and just continued talking. "Did you really think I would hurt you or what? Even though we hate ourselves so much, what would I gain trying to hurt you? That day you guys are curious about, I went out with Irene." She mentioned the Senator's daughter. "I told her Derin's plan was stupid in the first place. That you would never accept. At least, I know little about you and I was sure you would never. You didn't disappoint me. So, who has the time to be sending you silly pictures when I have other things to do."

Both Ara and Prince Ire looked at each other. "So, you told Irene about where Derin was going that day?"

"Wait..." Princess Adebisi rolled her eyes at Prince Ire. "Is there anything going on between you and Irene? We came in exactly when you did, but she waited until you came out with her." She avoided mentioning Ara's name again. "Thank God your windows were locked. You better tell Damola to get tinted glass for his car windows. We saw how she was displaying. "She finally took a quick glance at Aramade. "You were too dramatic and she was looking at you somehow. Sometimes, the way Irene acts, I don't understand. Even when I told her you guys broke up already, she was somehow seeing you two together. May be jealous."

"Babes, what's keeping you outside?" Irene yelled.

"Excuse me please." Princess Adebisi left their presence and joined Irene as the two made their way in back together. "What were you two discussing for long?"

Princess Adebisi hissed. "Asking me how mom was doing after all the role he played in it." She lied. At that moment, she noticed Irene was always asking her everything about Prince Ire. She always thought she was jealous, but she wasn't sure anymore. The reason she went to Prince Ire's apartment when she got back to the palace was because Irene had begged her that she wanted her  assistant to follow her to the palace and looked around to see what Prince Ire was like, and what he could like. Could there have been something she doesn't know?

Irene didn't notice anything. Instead, she believed her and the two sat down next to each other.

"She's using your sister to get information." Ara said as the two made their way in. Inside the church was quiet. While they were outside, they saw Moyin on the stage ministering, but by the time they walked in, a different person was on the pulpit instead. They took their seats and found Moyin where he was sitting. Both Prince Ire and Moyin greeted with their eyes just like they did in the past. Even Ara didn't notice. No one spotted their greetings.

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