chapter thirty three

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Eijirou did notice the brightness from his phone, but he let himself fall asleep. 

Deep down, he didn't trust Katsuki. 
He knew he was a liar, since high school. He'd do small things.

He'd lie about why he was late to school, or cheat on a test. Or about a stomach ache, how late he stayed up. Eijirou always noticed, when they were younger, but he didn't care. It didn't hurt him. 

It continued when they got older. 
He'd lie about how much money he spent, if he ate something, where he'd been, what time he got home from work. Not for good reasons, but for fun, it seemed like. Maybe it was a habit, Eijirou always thought. 

He tried to confronted him about it once or twice, he just said; "It makes me feel safe." 
Safe from what? 

It was serious a few times. 
Like in high school when he'd stare at Izuku, only to treat him badly a second later. 
He lied about his engagement, and relationship to his mother. 

As well as.. lying about why he lashed out at Izuku constantly. 
And why he wanted to be in a relationship with Eijirou, why he wanted to get married.

He acted like he was honest, he was a good actor. You would believe him if he said he could fly. 
But Eijirou knew..
He knew since he told him how he felt about Izuku. About his regrets. About wanting to fix their relationship. 
In front of Izuku, and then in front of everybody, he didn't want to have flaws. 

And for so long he was good at hiding them.
It's why he was in a high position at his job, why he had money, why he was in a relationship, why he seemed so nice around others. 
He was flawless. 

Of course, to everybody but Izuku.

Now though, he wished he never saw through his lies. And he wished he never even knew about Izuku.
Because he knew that his husband's life was half made up, even if he was a part of most of it.

Eijirou woke up before Katsuki left. Sitting up to stare down at him. He was beginning to wonder.. if he even knew him. 
He was always sweet, loving.. flawless, to Eijirou. He looked like he could never do anything wrong, he acted like it too. Even if they were both just pushing it down, with the truth in the back of their minds. 

Eijirou's hands started to shake, covering his tired face. 
He didn't think that his habit of lying would get so bad. 
And after so long, he decided not to ignore it. 

Even if it was going to rip the bandaid off, and break his heart. It was better than living in fear. 
Eijirou reached over Katsuki, for his husband's phone. Heart beating fast, he held his breath. 
"I wish I didn't have to do this. Or even feel like I have to." He thought to himself. His stomach was turning, feeling like worms wriggling inside instead of butterflies. 

Opening it with Katsuki's fingerprint, he felt bad for violating his privacy. 
But he hated what he felt, every single day.. since he came home from his business trip. 
He didn't know what to think, hesitating to open the number under "Midoriya." it was a work contact.. which was a little relieving. 

He didn't know if he should've been snooping, it was happening too fast. 
Seeing their last messages. He scrolled up.

It was all to meet up, at Izuku's house.. at first. 
To spend time together after work, to go to restaurants, to carpool, to talk in his office. 
They'd find absolutely any excuse to be together. 

Eijirou scrolled down.. 
Katsuki asked for Izuku's room number, Izuku asking if he wanted to talk, or to watch a movie. All while Katsuki told them both to trust him. 
Eijirou bit his lip, starting to feel sick. 

Izuku sometimes denied requests, because of his husband. So, Izuku knew that Katsuki was married.. but still decided to spend more time with him. 
Eijirou was starting to get angry. 

Then he scrolled all the way down, to a conversation they last had. 

Izuku said, "Kacchan, I need time before I say it." "Say what?" he replied, "You know what.." 

"I know." Katsuki replied, "And I know we started off bad, but I still want to be with you."
Izuku called him, after that. 

Eijirou didn't know why, between Izuku and Katsuki, it was to talk about their future. 

Eijirou had prayed that while he was gone, it was a fling at the most. Until he saw something that definitely ripped the bandaid off, something he wished he didn't know. 

The "I'll see you soon." from Katsuki, and then.. 

The "I love you, Deku." 

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