chapter eight

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(I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you - black kids 🎧)

The next morning was odd, Katsuki didn't dare talk that night. He wondered why himself, so how could he ever explain it to his husband. But did he ever feel guilty, not about the first mistake but the second. He asked himself the same question over and over, why he would make the same mistake.

So he asked himself a second question.
"Am I into him?"
He said in his head like a teenage girl. As his husband hugged him with a kiss, he thought of somebody else.
But he loved Eijirou. Like he was everything, because he really was. He kept him going through rough times, when issues snuck up on him.

The conversation with his husband was automatically tuned out. He thought of his "friend" again, or coworker. And though it was completely his own fault, he felt the need to resent him.

Izuku stayed up for most of the night after walking back to his car. Watching the bench they kissed on as he drove past it, the memory was the only thing that filled his mind. The look on his face, how his big red eyes looked so sincere.

He decided to ignore it with a night filled with lonely drinking and movies. Cringing for every small kiss, or glance between lovers on screen.

And as the confusing weekend came to an end, they started to panic. Both of their stomach's turning with agitation.

Not thinking of any plan whatsoever, nothing he could possibly say to clear it up, Katsuki kissed his husband with guilt. Leaving the door open for him as he pulled away, he felt nothing but fear.

Izuku was the same, he purposely hit snooze a few more times than usual. He's prayed the day wouldn't come, until his alarm went off for the third time.

Katsuki eyed the parking lot for his assistant's car, somehow relieved when it was nowhere to be seen, he used his parking space. Putting his head down to walk into the building, he tried to tell himself it was nothing. He felt so small, such a coward for being scared of one small mistake. It was only a kiss, and it means nothing unless there's love in it.

But as soon as the elevator doors opened on his floor, he felt eyes that weren't there on his back. Especially when his boss waved him over with a smile, two plane tickets in hand. "Will you give this to Midoriya?" Toshinori handed them to him, "Oh fuck." He whispered, "What was that?" his smile slightly dropped, "I will as soon as he gets here." He forced a polite voice and rushed off, closing his office door behind him.

It wasn't hard to walk up to him or talk to him once Izuku came into work, it was hard to look directly at him. Not because of what crossed his mind that weekend, but because of how uncomfortable Izuku looked. "Are you okay?" Katsuki asked as he held the plane tickets up. "What? Yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" he acted like he had somewhere to be, like the conversation needed to be over.

Katsuki handed him one, "The business trip." his voice almost cracked. Izuku had a surprised and disappointed expression, "No backing out now." Katsuki tried to joke, but Izuku looked up at him, wide eyed with a nervous sweat. "A-Are you sick?" Katsuki backed away, Izuku gulped, "Hungover." "What? Are you serious? It's Monday, Midoriya."

"Midoriya?" He looked saddened, Katsuki ignored him, placing his hand on his forehead. "You're warm, are you sure you should work?" Izuku closed his eyes, Katsuki didn't move his hand but he stared. "I'm tired, but I'll be okay." He leaned into his hand, Katsuki moved it to the side of his face. Izuku's eyes opened, and he flinched slightly; in a panic, Katsuki said "Y-Your cheeks are flushed too.. I think you should sit down. Drink some water."

Their eyes locked, "Oh, sorry." Katsuki took his hand away. "Come, sit down." "T-Thank you." Izuku seemed out of it. He felt like he needed to stay away from Katsuki, but he was nice; something in his eyes seemed different.

Relief washed over Katsuki once he realized they were at least slightly comfortable with each other. They watched each other's movements, from Katsuki pulling out a chair for him to Izuku drinking the water he was given. "Don't you.. have to work." He held the cup to his lips as Katsuki stood awkwardly in front of him.

"I'm sorry for kissing you." He put his hands in his pockets, Izuku nearly spit out the water. He coughed slightly before swallowing and looking away, eyes wide. "It was a weird night. It's alright." "Can we talk about this later." "Oh fuck, uhm, I don't know. I think it's weird." "Why is.. that weird? I made a mistake, I wanna clear it up."

Izuku kept his mouth closed as he looked at Katsuki's calm but embarrassed face. "I love Eijirou." "I.. I know. What does this have to do with me? I mean, it was a drunk kiss, I think. I understand." Katsuki still looked like he needed to say something more. "Will things just be awkward forever now?" Izuku stayed quiet for a few moments, "We can talk about it tomorrow. Just.. can you go?"

He nodded, turning to leave again. He felt like they needed to talk more, but he had more time to rehearse what he needed to say. Most importantly though, he needed to figure out what the thoughts from the other day meant. Because as much as he pushed it down, Katsuki liked him.
Not as a crush, or a "I want to go on a date," way. More like appreciation, of how his green hair looked with his freckles, and the way he laughed.

How he always had something to say to make him laugh, it was pure nostalgia. That's what Katsuki seemed to make of this.
That he wanted to tie up loose ends, to be happy with an old best friend like he was before.
With the kiss, he was searching in the wrong direction, he thought.

And that was exactly what he was going to say to him tomorrow.

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