chapter nine

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Katsuki waited at the park, sitting on a bench even if it was cold. The skies were gray and his sweater didn't hide him from the wind. He held two warm coffees in his hands, which seemed to help. 

He hummed, checked his phone multiple times and made eye contact with a few curious children. 
He waited for what seemed like an hour, but Izuku never showed. 

He wanted to text him, as he pulled his car keys out of his pocket to finally leave. "That's too clingy." He thought, but he was eager to tell him. He didn't want him to believe that he had real feelings for him for another second. 

A couple days went by, and Izuku hardly showed up to work. Katsuki was quite angry, he had no assistant, and he wasn't able to speak to him. "He's using all his vacation days." His boss was calmer than he was. 

The weekend passed, and their trip was creeping up on them. Izuku had no choice but to come back to work, and to see his boss. So on Sunday night, when the headaches from Izuku's hangover faded away, he started to pack. Endless emails with information about their trip, even if they were only going to another city, flooded his phone. 

"What do I gotta do just to forget about that." He whispered as he emptied his closet into his suitcase. He didn't have many opinions on it, they'd been drinking, he just didn't stop. As much as he pushed it down, with beer and the television in his living room, he was somehow trying to plan his reaction. 
All he knew was, he felt sick or embarrassed seeing Katsuki's face, or thinking about what he did or why he did it. 

He sighed, kicking the suitcase away on his bedroom floor, turning around to fall onto his bed. He pushed his hair off his forehead, shutting his eyes. "Why'd you have to make everything so weird." He knew that he was the only one overreacting, but he wasn't the one who kissed him. 

He stared at the ceiling, the bright light making him tired. "Maybe if he wasn't married, and maybe if we stayed friends it wouldn't have been so weird.." he questioned if Katsuki was holding onto anything. "Oh god, Izuku.. you have to talk to him." he whispered to himself, sitting up with an annoyed expression. 

He was a little embarrassed that he never showed up to talk, he was drunk and with a friend. "He's so much more professional than you are." Izuku laughed to himself, standing up to find his phone. 

He stood at the kitchen counter, hesitating to press "call" it was already late at night, and he thought that it might be weird. Though he finally had the courage, his stomach was still twisting. 

"Fuck it.." he whispered, dialing and holding it to his ear. Half a minute passed before he heard a tired and slurred, "Hello?" "It's Deku.. did I wake you up?" "I wasn't asleep yet." he cleared his throat, Izuku nervously fixed the collar of his shirt, eyes darting around the room. "Sorry, I've been a little absent lately." "A little?" They both smiled, "I didn't mean to call so late, but I'm ready to talk." "Really?" Katsuki sprung up out of his bed after hearing that. 

"Y-Yes.. I've just been.. drunk." "All this time? You idiot, you need to take care of yourself." Katsuki put on a sweater, "I'm coming over." he reached to hang up, "N-Now? Wait!" "What?" "I'm.. what about your husband?" "What about him?" They paused. "Nevermind. Fine, just don't make too much noise, my neighbours already hate me." 

15 minutes went by, and Izuku was sitting on his couch, nervous. He jumped, poking his head up like a dog every time he heard a noise. 
He started sweating when he heard a knock, standing up and fixing his hair and shirt, he walked slowly to the door. 

Katsuki pretty much walked in without a hello after he opened it for him, "I bought you some food." "I-I'm okay." Izuku closed the door as Katsuki kicked off his shoes. 

"I knew you, and if I still do, there's nothing in your fridge." Izuku kept his mouth shut, not denying anything. 
"Thank you." Izuku followed him into his kitchen. "Yeah, are you sleeping normally?" "Are you my mom?" He crossed his arms, getting a glare from Katsuki. "Yes, pretty normally. Why do you care?" "Because I'm your friend." 

"You could have come tomorrow." "I'm busy tomorrow." Izuku wasn't a big part of his life, though hearing that felt a little strange.. he forgot that Katsuki was completely fine without him, he was for years. Things weren't the same as they were when they were children. 

"What happened to me being the one to take care of you?" Izuku tilted his head, walking towards Katsuki to lean on the counter beside him. "I grew up." 

"I didn't." Izuku regretted saying that right aways, "I mean, it's h-hard being an adult." he chuckled, "Yeah. Don't you have a girlfriend or anything? This apartment is sad." Katsuki smiled, eyeing down the rooms. "It's complicated." "Complicated how?" Izuku's face got hotter, "Let's go for a walk."

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