“Ivaan...” Zamira says disappointedly. “Why are you being so stubborn?”

“Zamira... lets drop this topic. I will figure a way out of this.”

“I don’t doubt that all I am saying is that if we have a way out then why not take it... or perhaps your ego is stopping you.”

Ivaan sighs, he didn’t like the way this conversation was going. Zamira isn’t wrong but he can’t do what she is asking him to do either. It’s for everyone’s own good but how can he explain this to Zamira is a huge problem.


"What the hell is he doing here?" Ivaan shouts snarling at Zamira. "You called him here. Didn't you. Oh my God,  I just can't believe this." His eyes turn venomous for the first time for her. "Don't you understand such a small thing Zamira. He can't be with us. What kind of a person are you? Alishka told you everything and instead of standing up for her you are siding with this jerk. What'swrong with you?" Zamira tries to speak but Ivaan doens't give her a chance. "I thought so highly of you Zamira and never ever could I imagine that you would stoop so low." Zamira who was till now trying to clear her stand stops hearing Ivaan's words. She didn't expect that he would say something like that to her. "You are disgusting. I can't  imagine I thought of you as my friend. And we are done. Foget the competition. We are done as inexorables. It was my fault that I tried to keep your dream alive. I didn't realise you aren't worth it. I hope I never see you again. Never." Ivaan storms away.

Zamira was left looking at Ivaan's back and then at an empty corridor. It took her a while too come out of the shock that Ivaan just gave her and a few more minutes for everything to sink in. Yuvaan and Alishka had left with Ivaan but Brian was still there and he was shocked, as shocked as her.


"Times out." Manik shouts this time to get his daughter's much needed attention. 

She walks past him towards the sandbag while answering him, "Working out." 

"I can see that Zu. But why? Aren't you supposed to be practicing for the competition." 

"Yeah... I am or is there a competition to practice for.” She says a little irked but understanding that her tone isn’t meant for her dad she rather sasses herself down, “But now I am really angry and I need to get it out." 

"I asked you to stop using your anger as your weapon. The finest fighters are those who stay calm." 

"I know..." Zamira says huffing for air as she stabilises the punching bag and turns to face her father. "But it's hard seeing the circumstances." 

"Are you talking about what happened, yesterday." 

"Yup!!!" with sadness written all over her face Zamira sits down on the stairs. "I am so confused. I was so wrong. So damn wrong. But why does my gut say that what I am doing is right." 

"Do you think having Brian as a part of the group is the right decision?" 

"We don't have an option dad. The category we have enrolled in makes it pretty clear that we need to have at least six members. We have already enrolled if we hadn't. We could have done this competition without Ivery but now we can't. It's not like we have an option." Zamira says helplessly. "On other hand everyone else is right too. After what Brian did.... It's hard to forgive him far is the fact that we need to have him as a member of the group." 

"You are right but someone has to make a decision." 

"Ivaan has decided already dad. Finding a replacement for Ivery is going to be insane and that too in less than a week, then training that person to the group's tune. We won't be able to make it." 


Keep smiling
Stay safe
Stay tuned
For now signing off


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