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I remember being in second or third grade. I know we all remember some days of those times. I don't remember much other than this specific day when I was visiting my cousin sister in her in-laws house with my mother and she went in to the kitchen with my mother and her in laws, leaving me alone with her husband, whome I liked as a brother. Typing this confession wont make my feelings better but still I wanna forget that evening. That evening he tried to molest me in his own house. I remember him kissing me, a child of 6 or 7 years pushing his tongue into my mouth, I was shook making me still I don't remember anything after that like whether he touched me or did anything sexual to me. I remembered being scared and lost for words. I didn't tell my parents anything and days later I told my friends this when he with my cousin sister visited us at our home and asked to see me. Later when I couldn't help myself, I would run out or hide in the bathroom so that I didn't have to see him. Whenever he visited, my mom would force me to greet and smile at them. Later one day, I opened up to my mother and told her everything. Now that I think, I don't remember if he visited again after that day I told my mom. I asked her if she told him anything and she said no. I hope I dont have to see his face after that ever again. But still he is one of relatives and his wife and children came to visit us nearby. I hated that day.

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