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I'm sorry to myself this time. The moment I picked up the knife and placed it on my wrist gathering a whole lot of courage, I felt a weird sensation on skin. The knife was a blunt and rusty. It gave me chills as soon as it came in contact with my skin. I could feel a cold sensation running through my wrist to the spines and bones. Suddenly a whole lot of thoughts started to occupy my mind. I started picturing myself dead and my body wrapped with white clothes (Asian Ritual). I could see my mom shedding unstoppable tears, dad rushing to the hospital with hopes in his eyes, brother in shock and crying. I could see my sister breaking down and having none to console her as she lives miles away from us. Suddenly reality struck me. I became aware of what I was going to do. I threw the knife away and promised myself not to harm one self ever again no matter how hard the situation is. I've never told anyone about this. I have severe depression but still I have hopes. So if anyone is thinking of harming themselves or have harmed themselves before then please hang on. Everything will surely get better, you just need to be patience. Good luck everyone. Best wishes.

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