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so, there is this guy that i've been best friends with for years. and since we've known each other, he's always had a thing for me. just a month ago we started dating, and currently i'm not happy. he doesn't treat me poorly, he's actually very understanding. i'm just...not satisfied. my relationship before my best friend was very toxic and traumatic for me, and since then i have been questioning my sexuality. i was questioning before the toxic relationship, however after that relationship is when i really thought about it. the first week of my new relationship was good, i felt happy. but, one day i had a thought that he would treat me the way my last boyfriend did; insensitively and use me for his pleasure. after that thought i didn't text him daily like how i did before. i also started many arguments with him, and every time i see a notification from him i would immediately be annoyed. every time he compliments me, or calls me a pet name, i get disgusted in a way. it's only been a month since we've been together, and i already despise my relationship with him. i've tried subtly bringing up the topic of ending things with him multiple times, but he just doesn't get it. he always tells me 'we'll get through it' but i don't want to. he thinks i'm acting this way because of my trauma, but i'm just not satisfied with being in a relationship with a man. the thought of being with a man disgusts me, there have been multiple times where i just wanted to be single, or be with a woman rather than a man. i just recently looked at the 'am i a lesbian?' google doc and i deeply resonate with what was mentioned. i don't want to be in a relationship with him anymore, but i don't know how to bring this up. he seems so happy and always sends me texts on how he's happy to be with me...i feel like i'm being insensitive? i don't know, just need some advice on this situation.

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