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I like this guy in my grade. We've been in the same class for almost three years and I've liked him for six months. I have seen some signs that he likes me but nowadays I just think that I imagine them being signs even though they're not. He sits in front of me in a couple of classes but turns around to talk to our friend next to me and sometimes me. We've talked a bit more the last few months than before but he still talks to my friends more. We have some interests in common too. I've told a couple of my friends and my sister that I like him but I think he might like my other friend that sits next to me in those classes. I don't think she likes him though, she usually don't get crushes (as far as I know). Although she has said "you two have to be soulmates" about me and him. A couple of months ago she also said "do you have like, plans to get together?". Neither of me and him said anything about it, we just ignored her. I'm just happy he didn't say "ew" or something. 

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