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hey so this bout to be a long one grab a chip or smthng okayy this started in gr 6 and i just got transfered to star section in my school (a section where smart kids are idk how i got in tho) I had an idea of what my classmates were gonna be like but i did'nt expect this . but okay so 1st sem i kinda had a crush on this dude named X and like i had an on and off crush on him for years but he never knew cuz he was in star section and what basically happend in 1 sem was that I got a guy bestfriend and then I lost my feelings for X becuz there was this other dude named C and I liked him then I found out that a girl named M liked him and she was my 'friend' then my guy friend told me he liked me and I kinda knew and softly rejected him and we remained friends so then our seating arrangement was changed and I now sat next to M but then apparently C was noisy in his seat that our teacher made him switch seats with M and she said "stay away from my boy" to me and I rlly did'nt care that much about crushes BUTT THENN X admitted that he liked ME and I softly rejected him so back to C I sat next to him and tried to avoid him at all cost and only talked to him a few times but since I'm rlly noisy I guess M got jealous and started talking behind my back and calling me names one time it got so bad that I actually cried in class and my friends started defending me keep in mind that I still liked C at that time but he never knew only a number of people knew (there is actually so much more to the story but I'm just gonna tell about C and M) Oh and also C doesn't like M back anywayss joy found out that I liked him but when I was asked If I liked him I always said no cuz there's no point cuz If he asked me out I'd prbly say no cuz I'm too young anywaysss M accepted the fact that I liked C (also I dont defend my self against bullies idk why tho) Actually a lot of people in my class hated M cuz she was a BITCH and not the good kind and also I trust people easily so she knew many of my secrets which she spilled then 2 sem switched seats again and now I was seated with my friends nothing at first happend other than the fact that M showed a vid on my phone of pics of C to everyone including him but I still did'nt admit that I like him then ok change seats again I was now seated with my other friend and M was seated with C I rlly did'nt care but when the teacher said "is there a problem with the seating arrangements" M said " (my last name)"but I did'nt hear my friends did anyways she continoued doing horrible things to me that I dragged my friend to a stall in the bathroom and cried BUT THEN I had a project and I need to text my dad but i don't have my phone so I borrowed from a girl I knew she was also friends with M anyyhooo so I logged my messenger in to her phone text my dad then returned tho phone to her I told her " OHH I forgot to log out" and she said" no it's fine I think it already did" me being a dumbass believed her cuz I knew her since gr4 BUT THENNN my boy X confessed again and told me he liked me through messenger and as i did before I told him I liked some one else BUT THEN apparently our messeges were read by M and her squad (she has this squad that include M C and my boy bestfriend and 2 other girls basically they all hated M but did'nt tell her) a new issue arised becuz L (a girl from M's squad liked X ) so yeah sha basically went through my messeges fast forward C decided it was a good idea to pressure me into admitting that I liked him and it worked becuz I finally admitted THEN he said that he will give an answer later and pretty much our whole peroid was dedicated to my feelings for him becusz that was all he and my friend talked about and I just watched as my friend pressured him into giving me an answer now(keep in mind that we were all outside becuz our aircon was broken and we only had to draw stuff on paper as a project and since we could sit where we like me and my friend sat together where no one was and then C sat next to my friend cuz there was no seat next to me) But when we all got back in class the teacher asked C did he do his project and where did he sit or smtng like that becuz M answered "He sat next to (my last name)" in a bitter tone but whatevs fast forward a few weeks of kinda avoiding C even though he did nothing wrong (he was extra nice though and often went to where I sat to talk or smthng but idk if he flirted with me but it kinda felt like he did) ok so I was going to another city for a competition for three days he wished me good luck and I just gave him a thumbs up ok fast forward 1st night my REALLY good friend told me that M told her that she asked C to play me since he never really gave me a straight answer I put 2 and 2 together and believed my friend cuz why would she lie and that sounds like smthng M would do but I did'nt know if C really did it so when we came back I did'nt mention it to C and continued being cold towards him but then there was this group project ( the members of the assigned group is my boybestriend lets call him R and my girl bestfriend lets call her K and X) ok so we rlly had to do this project cuz it would be passed tomorrow but X can't make it so there was only the three of us until C decided to join since he was Bored so now we are on the way to K's house (since we agreed that we would do the project there) when I confronted him about it he denied it and kept sitting next to me and I tried to avoid him but I got tired so I just sat next to him and then he told me that he promised he did'nt do it and other stuff but I still did'nt believe him but then he was about to go home when he said bye to me like 3 times but i ignored him so when he left I cried cuz I felt bad then the day after I apologized then he fogave me then continued flirting or whatever he was doing with me like it never happend we even facetimed and he let me use his jacket and stuff (i did'nt use the jacket tho cuz I don't want another issue about me) then quarantine hit and a few weeks after he ghosted me I see M's story's on face book about her and C's convos but rlly don't care anymore and just thought that my gr. 6 story was fun and a lot of my friends tell me to make a wattpad story out of it cuz theres more that happened other than this but I hope I never see their faces again but just my luck M C and my other friends are going to the school I'm going to for high school so yuh WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NO BOY

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