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There is this guy, T, and I've known him since third grade. I moved from FL to Cali in seventh, but he texted me on Insta asking if I remembered him. I definitely did. We had the same third grade, fourth grade class, and I took art with him in sixth. He confessed in sixth that he liked me in third grade, and we took our laughs and giggles while everyone else was mildly uncomfortable. Now, in eighth - I know, I'm a tad bit young to be thinking about a gUy - I kinda sorta like him, but he isn't giving me the time of day, even when he was the one who reached out in the first place. I have no idea about what I'm supposed to do when he won't try to be friends with me, even when he CLEARLY stated that he wanted us to become as close as we were when we were younger. 

It's like, even though I like him a little more than a friend, I would be okay with us just being friends. He is extremely busy, and probably tired most of the time, so I guess I might be overreacting?? But at the same time, I wish he would try to text every little bit...

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