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So i'm dating this guy named zayn and we've been in a relationship for 2 years and before dating we were bestfriend for 1 years ....but lately its getting hard we dont know what to talk about he gets fustrated easily and i get angry and sad easily he doesnt like to communicate anymore whenever i try to Talk to him about us he blocks it out, just one week ago on his birthday after our lil argument he told me he finds me annoying now and he tells me he doesnt feel and care about me or anyone anymore and he told me he doesnt want to do relationship anymore but he is not even breaking up with me because he says he knows how much i love him and he doesnt want to break my heart , but whenever he is angry he says rude and abusive words to me. We're both getting toxic and abusive to each other and i dont know how to end this i dont have the strength to let go of him but it hurts knowing he doesnt love me anymore its cureless and hopeless i just want to save myself but i dont want to lose him he was my first time in every beautiful things and he was my true bestfriend but now it feels like the death of our relationship....

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