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I had a really good friend that I felt a good connection with, but then this guy comes out of nowhere (a total player might I add) and confesses to her through a note. I mean, I didn't exactly like the idea of her dating while so young, but I supported her cause she was happy. Then her personality completely changed from a shy girl who doesn't swear at all to a loudmouth who cusses and hangs out with friends who only liked her because she was in a relationship. We had Pe together and she was the only one I talked to. Now there were 2 other girls in our group. Honestly, one of them was pretty friendly but the other didnt even acknowledge my existence. My friend got closer with her to the point where she barely even spared a glance my way, but what could I could I do? I didnt know anyone else, so I stuck with them from a somewhat safe distane even though I knew my presence probably annoyed them. Eventually, that year ended, we grew apart and I made other friends, but we were never as close and I always found something wrong with them. Me being awkward wanted to patch things up between my former friend, but never did til the issue was irrelevant. I have a sorta best friend who wanted to patched things up with her as well and that was the only reason I got the courage. But even now, she already changed and it was like we were strangers. Because of this, I can't help but doubt the friends I have and whether they're real or not.

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