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the couple were on a instagram live, answering questions and talking to fans.

"wheres tae? taehyung is over here playing with his cars. come here bub, say hi." jungkook held his arms out, waiting for the smaller boy to come to him.

taehyung, who was only in a long sleeve shirt and a diaper, crawled to jungkook, who pulled him into his lap.

taehyung waved, the fans going crazy since they dont see taehyung that much in lives, if they do, he ends up running away.

"how's taehyung? uh, he's doing really good right now, actually. we had a little scare a while ago but for right now, he's just stimming alot and im fine with that." jungkook smiled, feeling taehyung running his toy car over his abs.

he looked closer at the camera, reading more questions.

"do you and taehyung fuc- woah, next question. how does it feel to have a partner with autism? do you ever wish for a normal partner? okay uh, i wouldnt say normal because that makes it sound like taehyung isn't normal, which he is. and that has never crossed my mind not even once. having a partner with autism is nice, and i guess we're learning about autism together."

taehyung whined, reaching for his paci that fell on the floor.

"what's wrong bub?"

taehyung whined louder, pointing to his paci.

"your paci fell? hold on sweetie, let me go wash it." he put taehyung down, going into the bathroom to wash the younger's paci.

he came back, looking down at taehyung.

"were you waiting for me? hm?" he booped his nose, sitting him back in his lap.

"dada?" taehyung spoke, resting his head on jungkook's shoulder.


"i wuv you."

jungkook smiled, kissing his baby's cute little cheeks.

"i love you more bubba."

i'm finally back! and my birthday is tomorrow so😎

tell me what you think ofc:

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