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jungkook ended up falling asleep, so taehyung laid on the floor beside the couch and watched the movie.

he was rocking himself, as usual when  jungkook is asleep and can't rock him.

he was bored.

he sighed, taking his pacifier out of his mouth to try and wake jungkook up.


he tapped him a few times, before having an idea.

he kissed him, the male opening his eyes and smiling.

"what do you need prince?" he asked, wondering why his baby boy woke him up.

"no sleepy." taehyung replied, wanting jungkook to wake up.

"sweetheart, dada is tired."

taehyung whined, pouting and shaking his head no.

"i'm tired bub."

he pouted again, crossing his arms.

"dada i want kisses please."

"okay, if dada gives you kisses will you sit down?"


jungkook lifted the boys head up, kissing him.



"okay, now, let dada go night night."

"but dada i have to go potty!" he replied, trying to keep the male awake.

"you have a diaper on, taehyung. i'll change you when i wake up."

he whined, realizing that his plan didn't work.


"yes baby?"

taehyung grabbed jungkook's hand, holding it tightly.

"can you hold me when you wake up?"

"yes. now, watch your movie, or go get my laptop and play a game or something."

"okay. night night dada."

"night night tae."

as soon as jungkook went back to sleep, taehyung grabbed his pacifier, putting it back in his mouth, running up the stairs.

he ran to jungkook's room, jumping onto the bed and sitting up, grabbing his laptop.

most of the tabs were work tabs, so he didn't touch them because he could get spankies if he did.

"dada's boring." he told himself, because none of the tabs were interesting to him.

he found something to do, which was laugh at himself in the mirror.

he sat on the counter, making silly faces at the mirror.

"hello taetae!" he told himself, waving at his reflection.

he then realized how lonely he was after talking to himself.

A/N: taehyung is a mood

"i want dada." he mumbled, holding his head down and pouting.

he had a soaked diaper, but he didn't really care because he cared about jungkook more.

he whined, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"dada.." he cried, the tears starting.

he doesn't cry loudly, but jungkook knows when taehyung is upset.

he woke up, hearing the softest sniffles from the other side of the room.

he turned his head, seeing taehyung looking at him.

"what's wrong baby?"

"dada, i want cuddles."

"aww sweetheart, come here, let daddy give you lots of hugs and kisses."

taehyung smiled, walking over to jungkook and sitting in his lap.

"you just want to be daddy's baby today, hm?"

he nodded, humming in content.
it was now night time, and taehyung was not okay at the moment.

he had two seizures back to back, and he didn't want to go to the hospital.

"it'll be okay bubba." jungkook told him, holding the crying boys hand.

taehyung's mother called the ambulance, because he couldn't stop convulsing.

taehyung stopped crying though, because he had another seizure, in jungkook's arms.

but this time, it was worse.

taehyung's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his body felt limp.

jungkook grabbed him and ran, running down the stairs because he thought that he was losing him.

"stay with me baby." he told him, making it downstairs.

"is he breathing?" his mother asked, trying to check for a pulse.

"i don't feel anything."

jungkook almost cried, but kept it together because his baby would want him to do that.

the paramedics came in, laying taehyung on the floor to give him air.

there was still no pulse, so they tried harder, and, taehyung started breathing, but he was still unconscious.

the seizures became to powerful for his body, and he started convulsing harder and harder until his body was literally jerking around.

they quickly put him on the stretcher and strapped him down, and, they hurried and left.

it's crazy how stuff can happen so fast.

jungkook called jimin and yoongi, and they drove to the hospital behind taehyung's parents and the ambulance.

jimin noticed jungkook's hands shaking, so he put his hand on top of his.

"it'll be okay kook."

jungkook nodded, trying to calm down, but he couldn't knowing that taehyung was suffering right now.

he knew that he was in pain, because he's heard the screaming and crying.

but, something told him that he would be okay.

but, if taehyung really couldn't fight anymore, he could go.

he didn't have to suffer.

as soon as they made it to the hospital and got taehyung stable, jungkook walked in first, and his heart broke.

seeing taehyung like this was something he would never want to see.

but, taehyung was still here, and that was all that mattered.

tell me what you think or I'll make Taehyung die in the next chapter:

okay, comment a lot because i like reading them - Ashton😎

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